The Dark and Deadly Pool
Title: The Dark and Deadly Pool1
Number of Pages: 192
Publication Date: 1989
Genre: YA/Mystery-Thriller
Synopsis: "Liz enjoys her summer pool job at the glamorous Ridley Hotel. Until the night, a dark and lonely night, a ghasty shadow surges up from the pool. A face -- eyes wide, mouth gaping -- stares at Liz. A hand clutches at her sneaker. Then it, whatever it is, is gone.
But danger isn't. Strange things are happening at the hotel, and a shaken Liz wants to know why. But whoever is behind the trouble will stop at nothing -- even murder -- to get what he wants..."
I had almost forgotten how much I enjoy reading books that are written by Joan Lowery Nixon. But The Dark and Deadly Pool was just as enjoyable as the first time that I read it and has had me searching for more of her books to either check out at the library or purchase.
Although at times Mary Elizabeth got on my nerves I still enjoyed reading this book, simply because it had a fantastic mystery with just enough suspense to make it hard to put down.
My favorite part of the book would have to be how the different crimes going on at the Ridley Hotel were slightly interlaced with each other and how Liz had no idea who she should trust.
I also liked how the thief was breaking in to the hotel and smuggling information out.
I must say that I had a pretty good idea from the get go who was pulling the strings and who the accomplices were. But I chalk that up to reading a lot of mysteries.
My least favorite part of the book was when the one old ladies (that I believe live at the hotel) tried to set her up with her grandson.
Definitely a great read that I would totally re-read or buy or recommend without giving it a second thought.
Number of Pages: 192
Publication Date: 1989
Genre: YA/Mystery-Thriller
Synopsis: "Liz enjoys her summer pool job at the glamorous Ridley Hotel. Until the night, a dark and lonely night, a ghasty shadow surges up from the pool. A face -- eyes wide, mouth gaping -- stares at Liz. A hand clutches at her sneaker. Then it, whatever it is, is gone.
But danger isn't. Strange things are happening at the hotel, and a shaken Liz wants to know why. But whoever is behind the trouble will stop at nothing -- even murder -- to get what he wants..."
I had almost forgotten how much I enjoy reading books that are written by Joan Lowery Nixon. But The Dark and Deadly Pool was just as enjoyable as the first time that I read it and has had me searching for more of her books to either check out at the library or purchase.
Although at times Mary Elizabeth got on my nerves I still enjoyed reading this book, simply because it had a fantastic mystery with just enough suspense to make it hard to put down.
My favorite part of the book would have to be how the different crimes going on at the Ridley Hotel were slightly interlaced with each other and how Liz had no idea who she should trust.
I also liked how the thief was breaking in to the hotel and smuggling information out.
I must say that I had a pretty good idea from the get go who was pulling the strings and who the accomplices were. But I chalk that up to reading a lot of mysteries.
My least favorite part of the book was when the one old ladies (that I believe live at the hotel) tried to set her up with her grandson.
Definitely a great read that I would totally re-read or buy or recommend without giving it a second thought.
The Dark and Deadly Pool2 earns 5 out of 5 pineapples.
1. The Dark and Deadly Pool was borrowed from the library.
2. This book was read in December of 2009.
3. Wach for a review of another Joan Lowery Nixon book in the upcoming week.
Hello! Just a visitor from the Saturday Network. Extra cool points to you for quoting from Invader Zim, the best cartoon EVER. :)
ReplyDeleteThe Saturday Network
Guinevere: Thanks. Glad to see another Invader Zim fan.
ReplyDeleteHow do I not know this author or this book?! Sounds like something I would love, thanks!