Shadow in the North

Author: Philip Pullman
Title: Shadow in the North1
Series: Sally Lockhart (book 2)
Number of pages: 368
First Publication: 1986
Genre: Mystery
Synopsis: "The year is 1878, and Sally Lockhart has started her own financial consulting business. When a client loses a fortune in the unexpected collapse of a British shipping firm, Sally is determined to find out why. But as she comes closer to learning the identity of the firm's elusive owner, she discovers that her questions are far from simple --and that the answers could cost her her life."

I absolutely loved The Shadow in the North which is the second book in the Sally Lockhart series.
I must say that I was extremely shocked; I never saw the death of this character coming. But it made the story that so much more interesting then it already was.
Shadow in the North was even better than The Ruby in the Smoke.
My all time favorite scene from the book would have to be when Sally confronted the man who was pulling all the strings and brought an end to his plans.
I must say that out of the two deaths in the book I was more broken up about the death of Chaka. It was so sad that my eyes nearly misted up and I'm not one for crying or tearing up over a book.
Even though I liked Sally in the first book I enjoyed reading about her more in The Shadow in the North. I liked her better because she was more mature and a little more independent then she was in the previous book.
The Shadow in the North was a great mystery read with plenty of suspense. Now if only I could find copy of the last two Sally Lockhart mysteries I would be quite satisfied.

The Shadow in the North earns 5 out of 5 pineapples.
1. The Shadow in the North is part of my personnal book collection.
2. I so need to stay on top of my reviews. I read this book last March.


  1. I absolutely LOVE this series, but it seems that not a whole lot of people have heard about it. I was torn up over "that certain character's" death as well, but the fact that I didn't expect it was one of the reasons why I loved the book so much. Thanks for the review!

  2. Natalie: eah, I love this series too. but seem to have the same problem. People have either never heard about this series or they don't like it. :)

  3. This sounds great - I've never heard of this series before - will look it up!


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