Wish List Wednesday (62)

Dragon's Heart (Pitt Dragon Chronicles, 4) by Jane Yolen, 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin.
Austar IV isn't the planet it once was, and when Jakkin and Akki finally return to the dragon nursery, their homecoming arouses mixed emotions. Together they've survived the insurmountable, and now they can weather the brutal conditions of Dark After and communicate with the dragons they love. But with this knowledge comes responsibility. What they've learned about survival could transform the planet--or, if entrusted to the wrong hands, bring about its destruction. Akki's insistence that she return to the Rokk to finish her training and begin new experiments drives a chasm between her and Jakkin. Suddenly she finds herself in the midst of a political battle that could claim her life. Only Jakkin can save her. If only he could reach her.
Why: Because I absolutely adore this series and when I found out a couple of years ago that there was a fourth book I couldn't believe that it was true. Also, the Pitt Dragon series has been one of my favorites for the longest time and I NEED to know what happens in the fourth book.

Token by Alisa Kwitney and JoelleJones, 2008. Published by Minx (DC Comics.
It’s 1987 and fifteen-year old Shira Spektor lives with her father in a funky apartment building on Miami’s South Beach. More comfortable wearing retro 40’s clothing than the current fashions, Shira doesn’t belong – which is why her best friend is a bawdy, brassy eighty year old, and Shira herself has never even been kissed properly.

It would have helped to have a mother to turn to for advice, but Shira and her dad have been doing all right on their own since she was three.

And then her father falls in love with his secretary, and suddenly Shira isn’t his special girl anymore.
 Why: I really enjoyed the mass majority of the Minx titles that I have read, plus Token sounds like it could be a very interesting read. Besides, I would like to get it and the other Minx titles that I don't own.


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