In My Mailbox (84)

In My Mailbox was started by Kristi of The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Sadly the only books I order are those that are hard to find. The following books are from the library and bookstores.

Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines, 2009. Published by Bloomsbury USA.
this has got to be one of my all-time favorite covers, I just think it's really cool (did y'all notice that her toes are painted?) I'm really excited about winning Girl in the Arena because I've been wanting to read it since it came out.

Frozen Fire by Tim Bowler, 2006. Published by Speak. 
I admit, I've never heard of this one, but Frozen Fire sounds pretty interesting. So I'm definitely looking forward to giving the author and his book a try.

Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast by Robin McKinley, 1978. Published by Eos.
Hehehe, I now have two copies of this book, but with different covers. I haven't had a chance to read Beauty yet, but I'm really looking forward to devouring another Robin McKinley read.
Jinx by Meg Cabot, 2007. Published by Harper Teen.
I actually already have a copy of Jinx, so I'll probably trade or giveaway this one.
Wired (Skinned, 3) by Robin Wasserman, 2010. Published by Simon Pulse.
So I've been wanting to read this series for like forever, sadly I still need to get books one and two before i can even think about reading Wired. so it might take awhile before I can read it.

A huge thanks goes out to Christina of Escape from Reality for the awesome mystery box of books.

Demonglass (Hex Hall, 2) by Rachel Hawkins, 2011. Published by Disney Hyperion.
I loved Hex Hall when I read it last year, so I'm really and I mean really looking forward to reading Demonglass. See my review of Hex Hall -> HERE

A huge thanks goes out to Sablelexi of Reading is Dreamy.

Trash by Andy Mulligan, 2010. Published by David Fickling Books.
This week I only have one book from the library and that is Trash. I had been thinking of checking it out for a couple of weeks now and just decided that this was the week that I'd get it. I'm very nearly done with it and will probably finish it this evening and my allergies aren't bothering me too much. It's really good and I'm curious to see how its going to end.

 I'm going to keep the after part short because my allergies are driving me crazy at the moment, and I could use a nap.
I hope everyone has had an awesome book week as well.

Also, the winner has been picked and notified for The Dawn Country giveaway (still waiting to hear back from them though). You can also check out Ramon Wray's guest  post and giveaway.


  1. You got some really nice books! Beauty is my favorite book by Robin McKinley. I have been meaning to read Girl in the Arena for a while but just haven't had a chance. I'll be eager to read your review. My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!

  2. Wow! I am looking forward to reading Girl in the Arena-- it's currently in the mail. I loved the cover, too. Thanks for pointing out that her toes were painted :).

    Also, Demonglass sounds awesome. I can't wait to read it!

    My mailbox:


  3. awesome IMM! Hope you enjoy reading all of those!

    My IMM


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