The Stepsister
Title: The Stepsister1
Series: Fear Street (book 9)Publication Date: 1990
Number of Pages: 176
Genre: YA/Horror/Thriller
Synopsis: "Emily wants to like her stepsister, but it hasn't been easy. As soon as Jessie moves in, she takes over Emily's room, steals Emily's clothes, and lies to everyone. Then Emily picks up Jessie's diary and learns a horrifying secret. Is Jessie really capable of murder?
Emily tries to tell her parents, but no one believes her. So it's up to Emily to expose the real Jessie -- if she can stay alive."
It's actually been quite awhile since the last time I read book by R.L. Stine and I must say I really enjoyed reading The Stepsister. I enjoyed reading it as much as I did the other Fear Street books that I have read.
Emily was a pretty interesting character to read about. I was a bit irritated with her at first when she gave up her bed to Jesse in the beginning of the book (they had to share a room), but she became less irritating as the book progressed and more attempts were made on her life.
I liked how the book teased you about what happened to Jesse at her last school and how it was slowly revealed throughout the book.
My favorite part of The Stepsister would have to be the end. I was so shocked because I never saw the book ending that way, which is very surprising since I can you usually spot odd twists by the time I'm half way through a book. But the end of the book was one of the best ending that I have read.
Least favorite part of the book would have to be how Emily's mom didn't believe that she was in any danger and what happened to Tiger, it was just so sad.
The Stepsister was a great read, but the end was totally the best part of the book for me.
The Stepsister earns 4 out of 5 pineapples.
____________________________________________1. The Stepsister was borrowed from the library.
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