Don't Look Behind You

Author: Lois Duncan
Title: Don't Look Behind You1
Publication Date: 1989
Number of Pages: 192
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Synopsis: "Seventeen-year-old April finds her comfortable life changed forever when death threats to her father, a witness in a federal case, force her family to go into hiding under assumed names and flee the pursuit of a hired killer."

Don't Look Behind You is written by Lois Duncan who happens to be one of my, longtime, favorite authors.
While this happens to be one of my favorite books by her, the only thing I don't like about the book would have to be how April puts her happiness ahead of the safety of her and her family by sending her boyfriend a letter. Other then that minor annoyance on the MC's part I loved the story.
My least favorite part of the book would have to be how April's selfishness cost the life of their bodyguard. It just made want to strangle her because he most likely wouldn't have died had she not tried to contact Steve, especially since she was warned not to.
My favorite part of the book would have to be when April winds up facing off against Mike Vamp who is set on ending both her and her family’s lives.
Don't Look Behind You is definitely a great read, by a great author. I plan on catching up on some of her books that I haven't read yet, or getting re-acquainted with some of my favorite books by Lois Duncan this year.

Don't Look Behind You earns 5 out of 5 pineapples.

1. Don't Look Behind You was borrowed from the library.


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