The Blue Sword

Author: Robin McKinley
Title: The Blue Sword1
Series: The Hero and the Crown (book 2)
Publication Datae: 1982
Number of Pages: 297
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: "Istan, the last outpost of the Homelander empire, where her elder brother is stationed.

Harry is drawn to the bleak landscape of the northeast frontier, so unlike the green hills of her Homeland. The desert she stares across was once a part of the great kingdom of Damar, before the Homelanders came from over the seas. Harry wishes she might cross the sands and climb the dark mountains where no Homelander has ever set foot, where the last of the old Damarians, the Free Hillfolk, still live. She hears stories that the Free Hillfolk possess strange powers — that they work magic — that it is because of this that they remain free of the Homelander sway."

I absolutely loved The Blue Sword. It had great characters and a great story that was truly captivating. Plus it had a ton of action.

One of the things that make Robin McKinley's books so good is the way that she describes the worlds that she creates and draws you completely into the book. Along with characters that are believable and yet lead very unbelievable lives.
The thing I liked most about the main character Harry would have to be how well she handled being taken away from everything she knew without turning into a ninny.
My favorite part of the The Blue Sword would have to be when Harry and her little band of Damarians, Hillfolk, and Homelanders fought against the Northerners while they were severally out numbered. I also liked when Harry participated in the Laprun Trials. I found both of those scenes to be the ones that stuck in my mind long after I have finished reading the book.
My least favorite part of the book would have to be how the end was slightly predictable, I mean the very end like the last five or ten pages. Which was when she returned to Corlath and the riders.
The Blue Sword was definitely a great finish to the delightful Damar series.

The Blue Sword earns 5 out of 5 pineapples.
The Hero and the Crown
The Blue Sword
1. The Blue Sword was borrowed from the library.


  1. Ohhh I loved The Blue Sword! Robin McKinley rocks so hard.

    I was totally captivated by the laprun trials as well, ah, loved Corlath.

    Glad to see you enjoyed Blue Sword so much :-)


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