In My Mailbox (79) or I Found One of My Favorite Books!!! + News

In My Mailbox was started by Kristi of The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Sadly the only books I order are those that are hard to find. The following books are from the library and bookstores.


The Lost Saint (The Dark Divine, 2) by Bree Despain, 2010.
I will be checking out The Dark Divine from the library as soon as I can, just so I can read The Lost Saint (love the blue used in the cover).
A huge thanks goes out toAniaz of Lady and The Books.

Across the Universe (Across the Universe, 1) *signed* Beth Revis, 2011.
I really want to read Across the Universe, but after reading about the content on Parental Book Reviews I'm not sure if I can in good conscience (the jury is still out on the verdict).

A huge thanks goes out to Midnyte Reader.

Heavenly (Heavenly, 1) *signed* by Jennifer Laurens, 2009. 
I was lucky enough to win a copy of Heavenly from Jennifer Laurens (she even signed it and sent a couple of book marks) during her twitter giveaway. Thanks Jennifer, I'm really looking forward to getting read it.
For Review:
People of the Longhouse (North American's Forgotten Past) by W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear, 2010.
I just finished reading this book yesterday, and it was just amazing.

The Dawn Country: A People of the Longhouse Novel (America's Forgotten Past) by W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear, March 15, 2011.
I'm really looking forward to reading The Dawn Country, especially after having finished reading People of the Longhouse.

Thanks to Babs of PR by the Book.

The Hero and the Crown (Damar, 2) by Robin McKinley, 1985.
This is completely a "squee" moment. The Hero and the Crown is one of my absolute favorite book by Robin McKinley and I now own a copy (so happy). See my review of it HERE (it doesn't do this amazing book justice, but I couldn't resist trying to convay how much I love this book).
Fang (Maximum Ride, 6) by James Patterson, 2010.
I've been meaning to get Fang since I read it (it's almost as good as the first three Maximum Ride books). Plus I have every other book in the series... except for Angel that is.

Trials of Death (Cirque du Freak, 5) by Darren Shan, 2001.
I am very slowly working my way to getting all the Cirque du Freak books (very slowly). I love the first three and have book four waiting on my TBR so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to add Trials of death to my TBR.

 So, I'd like to give one last thanks to all the bloggers (who I won books from), Jennifer Laurens (whose a totally nice author), and to Babs (for the review copies). Y'all all rock!

Hope y'all have had a great book week too.

Make sure you drop by on the 15th.*coughCONTESTcough* ^_^

If you follow me on twitter you may remember that I had been working on a new feature for my blog. Well I finally just did it (you can see what its all about by visiting thePAGE I made for it). I'm hoping to have time to finish my first actual post for it (so I hope you'll stop by and see which old YA title will be getting some love later this week). I was going to make a picture for it, but couldn't find one that I liked.

Last thing I promise: Don't forget to check out my latest reviews for The Pace by Shelena Shorts and The Deviant by Orren Merton.


  1. I really loved ACROSS THE UNIVERSE! It was a 5 star read for me. I hope if you read it, you enjoy it!

    Check out my Birthday Edition of In My Mailbox!

  2. Fab reads! I really liked Lost Saint and am excited to get to Across the Universe.
    My IMM

  3. Good books! I really liked Across the Universe. And I can't wait to read the Lost Saint.


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