Guest Post: Ramona Wray Author of Hex, A Witch and Angel Tale

Today I have the pleasure of having Ramona Wray stop by. She was kind enough to answer a few questions and too talk about some of her favorite authors.
Ramona Wray is not someone who always knew she wanted to be a writer. Even though she would scribble incessantly, she never considered turning her favorite pastime into a career. But at sixteen, while shooting pool with friends, she was quite amazed to hear someone on the local radio reciting one of her poems. It occurred to her then that she could aim higher than the school newspaper for publishing her literary endeavors.
A few years later, she left Romania, taking nothing with her but a suitcase chock-full of dreams and her grandparents' stories about vampires, witches, faeries, and so much more. Thus equipped, she traveled the world, always writing, always adding new stories to her collection.
After living in places like Vienna, Milan, and Moscow, she is now happily settled in the UK with her husband and son, where she continues to write, primarily young adult fiction. Hex, A Witch and Angel Tale is her first novel. (bio taken from Amazon author page)_________________________________________________________
1. Ramona, is there a story behind the story for Hex, A Witch and Angel Tale?
RW: Not really. I was watching Bewitched one day, and thought: “I should definitely write about a witch”. The actual idea came to me in the shower; I had a glimpse of a scary-powerful, yet totally powerless girl, caught between two boys and pulled in opposite directions by forces she doesn’t understand. What would she do? How would she cope? Overall, Lily made for an intriguing character. So I sat down and wrote her.
2. In your opinion, what do you think are the best and worst aspects of being a writer?

RW: Huh, I never thought about this before. I guess writers are lucky people, in the sense that, if the world should collapse around me, if I’m in the middle of writing, I’d never even notice it. Writers get to walk in worlds no one else does, and even more than that, they get to adjust, reshape, and fine-tune those worlds to their own desire. It’s a powerful feeling, this absolute freedom. Of course, there’s a downside to it - writers make for lousy ... everything else, really. I always fall behind on answering emails, I hardly ever throw parties, I often forget to cook. My husband says that even when I go out with him, I’m never really there, that I’m still neck-deep in the story I’m working on at the moment. I’m a bit like Mr. Magoo, you know. It can be irritating to those around me.
3. Any words of wisdom for aspiring writers?

RW: I don’t know. I mean, people write because they’re passionate about it. How do you advise someone about their passion? I wouldn’t know what to say at all.
4. Is there anyone who inspired you to be a writer?

RW: My father had a friend who worked at a local newspaper. One day he showed this man one of my short stories (I must have been eleven or so), and the guy liked it so much he printed it the next week. It was a rush. And then when I was about twelve, our Romanian Lit teacher gave us this assignment - write a fairy tale. God rest her soul - she died in the meantime - but she was so amazed by what I wrote, she congratulated me and told me I had talent and that I should pursue it. I guess it was a defining moment for me. It made me think about things.
5. Now for the most important question. The world has been taken over by robots bent on enslaving humankind, which super-hero would you pick to save the day?

RW: Wonder Woman. I’m all about girl-power :)
*WW, nice pick.*

RW: Writers love books - it's just a fact of life. People don't become 
writers for any reason other than love; we're all driven by passion 
and the need to create - new worlds, intriguing situations, 
interesting characters - but we also love to read about them. We get 
touched, influenced, motivated by books. Funny thing, but when I get 
tired, it's always other books, not my own, that carry me through. So 
this is what I want to talk to you about today - those authors, whose 
books I love best.

Jane Austen. The most subtle, refined writer I ever read, she's like 
fine champagne that goes right to my head. Her dashing Mr. Darcy (and 
Edward, and Captain Wentworth, and so on) are the men to whom I return 
constantly  when I'm in need of a good dose of sophisticated humor. 
Aside from smiling, I usually end up sighing a lot while I read.
Henry James. A recurring theme in his books was the contrast between 
Americans and Europeans, and his take on it is ever so intriguing to 
me. Not to mention his descriptions of Italy, which are simply 
fabulous. I love to go back to read Roderick Hudson whenever I miss 
living in Italy (and that happens a lot).
Holly Black. She's one of the most brilliant contemporary YA authors 
dealing in fantasy. I devour everything she writes. Her originality 
and the way she phrases things - simple and yet achieving maximum 
impact - blows me away.
Cassandra Clare. She can write. She's not afraid to tackle 
controversial topics - in fact, it seems to me she seeks them out - 
and she has a very smooth, very urbane way to introduce her scenes, 
and characters. She's a very elegant writer.

Sarah Rees Brennan. I think she's a genius. Ever since I read that 
opening paragraph of Demon's Lexicon, I was hooked. What I love most 
about her is how she manages to say so much with so few words. Demon's 
Covenant was even better, in my opinion. I can't wait for her third 

Thanks Ramona for stopping by and for the the great answers to my questions.

Ramona was nice enough to not only participate in a guest post/short interview, she also kindly offered one lucky reader a chance to win a copy of Hex, A Witch and Angel Tale.

Open to US residents only
Must be 13 or older to enter
Following not required, but always appreciated.
Ends April 16 at 11:59 pm.
Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
To enter please fill out form.


  1. Thank you for having me, Orchid :-) It was a pleasure to work with you!

  2. Great interview! Ramona is such a sweet, friendly and approachable author. Not to mention talented ;) I love the fact that the actual idea came to her while she was in the shower, that's where most of my best ones come to me!

    Aw her father's friend publishing her story... so sweet. Proves people saw that talent from an early age!

  3. "Writers make lousy...everything else"

    At least she admits it :) I actually dislike when hubby reads. I know that sounds really bad. But when he's into a book, the world ceases to exist.

    The cover reminds me of Samantha from Bewitched.

  4. Great interview, love getting ideas in the shower :) Can't wait to read your book

  5. Great interview. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. It's true, I'm not a writer but it seems my head is perpetually stuck with the ideas of something I read, heard, or just my own thoughts. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

  7. I really enjoyed the post and simply had to sign up to win this giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

  8. Gotta appreciate those individuals that see the talent & ambition in others and encourage/support them to pursue it. Great post. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Very good interview! Thanks for the chance to win!

  10. Wonderful interview, loved it!

  11. Really great interview and thanks soo much for the rockin giveaway!:D

  12. I always find it fascinating, seeing what books authors love and what has inspired them. thanks for sharing!


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