In My Mailbox (78) Otherwise Know as I Was Lucky In Winning Books.

In My Mailbox was started by Kristi of The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Sadly the only books I order are those that are hard to find. The following books are from the library and bookstores.

Dark Goddess (Billi SanGrael, 2) by Sarwat Chadda, 2011.
Oh My Gosh!!! I am so excited about winning Dark Goddess! I absolutely loved The Devil's Kiss last year and cannot wait to start on Dark Goddess (although, I'll have to re-read book one first). Billi is like one of my all-time favorite characters, I can't wait to read about her latest...adventures.  

A huge thanks goes out to author Kiki Hamilton.

Beauty Queens ARC by Libba Bray, May 24, 2011.
Beauty Queen sounds like it's going to be a great read. I'm definitely looking forward to reading another Libba Bray book, especially with a title and cover like this one has.

A huge thanks goes to Resugo of Resugo Reads.

Matched (Matched, 1) by Ally Condie, 2010.
I had considered trying to read Matched before the last leg of the Breathless Read tour, but have decided to give my attention other books that have been on my TBR the longest. Although, I am really excited about being able to read Matched when I do get the chance.

A huge thanks goes out Michelle of Hooked to Books

Street Magic (Black London, 1) by Caitlin Kittredge, 2009.
It sounds really interesting and different then what I usually read.

This one has definitely peaked my interest, so I'll get to it as soon as I can.

This book doesn't sound like something I'd be comfortable reading, so I'm going to be listing it for trade on my blog later this upcoming week (if you're interested I'm willing to trade it for a finished YA book).

Blood Song (Blood Singer, 1) by Cat Adams, 2010.
So I already read the first few pages of this one and I think I'll probably like it, but I'm really looking forward to actually reading it.

Personal Demons (Personal Demons, 1) by Lisa Desrochers, 2010.
Yes, this is my second copy of it, but Zombie Girrl has already claimed it.

Legacies (Shadow Grail, 1) by Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary Edghill, 2010.
Legacies is another book that i am super excited about winning. Why? Because Mercedes Lackey is one of my favorite authors and because this sounds like a great read.

A huge thanks goes out to the people of Tor Books. I won the last six books from their twitter contest.

The Devil's Kiss (Billi SanGreal, 1) by Sarwat Chadda, 2009.
My awesomesauce friends brought me back a surprise from their trip to Raleigh for the Breathless Reads signing, which I missed due to being under the weather. I am soooo happy to have a finished copy of both books, especially since The Devil's Kiss was so very good.

A huge thanks goes out to Ren, Zombie Girrrl, and Holland.

Again my thanks to all the awesome people that I won books from and to my friends for the pick-me up book (you should really go and check out their links, because they all have great sites).

Some many great books that I have absolutely no idea on where to start. At least I have plenty of time to decide while I work on reading down the books that have been on my TBR the longest.

If anyone's interested, I would like to trade my copy of Shadowfae for a finished YA book (you can contact me by either email (hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com) or by filling out my contact form.


  1. ahhh, such awesome books! im SOOO jealous you got beauty queens--that one's real high on to-get-when-released list. libba bray's awessooomee.
    im a new follower, hi! :)
    here's what's IMM!

  2. you got some awesome books...I really need to get my hands on matched I keep hearing about it. Also love your blog name it's so haunting and enchanting at the same time..I wish I was that creative

  3. Omgggg, Beauty Queens! Can't wait for it!

  4. Great Mailbox Week! I got Devil's kiss :). I cannot wait to hear what you think! Happy Reading :)

    MY IMM

  5. Beauty Queens sounds good! I'll have to borrow it after you read it (I feel like I say that every time I comment on your IMMs o_O).

    I'm a little over halfway through Matched and so far it's really good! Hope you enjoy it! ^_^

    Happy reading!


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