In My Mailbox (76)

In My Mailbox was started by Kristi of The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Sadly the only books I order are those that are hard to find. The following books are from the library and bookstores.

For Review:
The Deviant by Orren Merton, 2011.
This sounds really interesting, so I'm hoping to get to reading it fairly soon.

A big thanks goes out to author Orren Merton for sending a review copy.

Daughter of Xanadu by Dorie Jones Yang, 2011.
Daughter of Xanadu has me completely intriqued, especially since I have neer read anything set in this time period. It sounds like a great read and the cover is so cool.

A huge thanks goes out to Tiger of All-Consuming Books.


Batman: Hush volume 1 by Jeph Loeb, Jim Lee, and Scott Williams, 2003.
I know my TBR is over flowing at the moment, but how could I resist borrowing Batman: Hush volume 1 from the library. I'll probably read it over the weekend.

The Face on the Milk Carton (Janie Johnson, 1) by Caroline B. Cooney,1991.
I admit it, I have looked at this series off and on for a couple of years and have just never gome through with picking it up and reading it. Which is odd since I'm a huge fan of Caroline B. Cooney's and loved everything else of hers I've read, so I just went ahead and checked it out. 

I should really take a break from visiting the library and read down my TBR, but my librarians are just some of the nicest people around that I'd feel bad not stopping by at least twice a week and checking out something. I'm really looking forward to sitting down and reading all of these over the next couple of weeks.

Be sure to stop by next week and see what I found at the big library sale (we got three big paper bags worth of books and only spent $15). Here's a little hint, I found quite a few mystery books by authors that are supposed to be similar to one of my favorite mystery writers.

Is anyone going to be at the Raleigh Breathless Reads Book Tour stop? If you are, please check out this POST.

Hope y'all have had a great book week.


  1. Enjoy reading those amazing books.
    Happy Reading :)

  2. What a nice assortment of books! I really liked The Face on the Milk Carton. I'll have to pull it off the shelf in my media center and see if I can introduce it to a new group of readers. Happy reading!

    My IMMs are here and here. Both are heavy with review books this week.

  3. Great reads! New follower too!
    I read Face on the Milk Carton in 6th grade (actually my teacher read it out loud to my class and then I re-read it). Did you know there was a TV movie made about it. I believe it starred Kellie Martin.
    My IMM

  4. Nice! Xanadu looks like it has an interesting setting you're right. Have a wonderful week.


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