In My Mailbox (73)

In My Mailbox was started by Kristi of The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Sadly the only books I order are those that are hard to find. The following books are from the library and bookstores.

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, 1) by Cassandra Clare, 2010.
 Oh my gosh!!! I absolutely cannot wait to read Clockwork Angel. I loved The Mortal Instruments books and am so excited that Cassandra Clare wrote a prequel series. I just wish that I had known about it before I had read TMI books, oh well.

A huge thanks goes out to Author Wendy Higgins and everyone at YAtopia.

Deception ARC (Haunting Emma, 1) by Lee Nichols, 2010.
I've heard lots of good things about Deception, and am really looking forward to reading it.

The Haunted ARC (The Hollow, 2) by Jessica Verday, 2010.
I'm really excited about winning The Haunted, but first I'm going to need to check out The Hollow from my library before I can read it (yes, I have book 2 and have never read book 1).

A huge thanks goes out to the lovlies at ReaderGirls.

The Death by Bikini Mysteries *signed* by Linda Gerber, 2011.
The Death by Bikini mysteries have been on my wish list for ages, so I was absolutely thrilled when I found out I had won them in a single bound copy. I love mysteries, so I really cannot wait till I get a chance to read them.

A huge thanks goes out to Author Linda Gerber.

Chobits Omnibus (volumes 1-4) by Clamp, 2010.
I'm sad to say that I just didn't enjoy Chobits very much. It was okay, but not as good as I hoped it would be.

Instant Teen: Just Add Nuts 1 by Haruka Fukushima, 2004.
Okay, I actually enjoyed Instant Teen more than I thought I would. It was just so funny.

Emiko Superstar (a Minx Graphic Novel) by Mariko Tamaki & Steve Rolston, 2008.
I couldn't not believe my luck when I found out that the library had Emiko Superstar. I own and have read just about all the rest of their Minx graphic novels and had been wanting to read this one since it first came out.

Tsubasa 1 by Clamp, 2004.
I was just browsing my libraries new website and came across Tsubasa and decided that I'd just check it out and see if it's any good. But after reading Chobits, I'm a bit worried about starting it.

I think with this round of mangas from the library, I should have read enough of them to be finished with the Manga Challenge I signed up for. Although I do plan on reading more mangas throughout the year.

My TBR Stack is so big that I've broken it up into books that I didn't get around to reading from 2010, and have now added a stack for this year, which I'm hoping to be able to tackle as soon as I read down last years books.

I hope y'all have had just as great a week in books. Can't wait to see what everyone got. ^_^


  1. That's a lot of books! Great IMM! Happy reading! :) Looking forward to your reviews!

  2. Cool books! I loved Clockwork Angel. The setting is so much fun and Tessa is great! I feel like she's a stronger heroine than Clary. I hope you enjoy your books! Here is what I got this week. Happy reading!

  3. Having gone through all of the Mortal Instruments series books (can't wait for this year's release), I bought Clockwork Angel for my Not-So-Bebe-Girl Autumn's Christmas book box. Unfortunately, I also re-bought Graceling (which she lost last year), and bought Fire and Books 1-5 of the House of Night series and she hasn't gotten to this one yet, which means that I can't read it yet. (she also stole my ARC of Delirium and holed herself up in her room with it this weekend - little book thief) :) Enjoy all of the new reads!

  4. Awesome haul! Thank you for sharing :)

    New Follower!!!

    My IMM

  5. Ooh, Death by Bikini series!!! You must let me borrow that (after you read it, of course). It sounds really good!
    Hope you enjoy your books! ^_^


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