2010 Challenge Wrap Up...

I know, 2010s already been over for twelve days, but it's time for my end of year look back on all the challenges that I participated in.
Which means I get to share my accomplishments and failures with all my lovely blog readers. So without further mumblings on my behalf.
I'm also working on a post summoning up what my favorite reads of the last year were and plenty of reviews to keep my blog relatively active in the new year.

100+ Reading Challenge 2010
I knew I could definitely finish this challenge because for me a hundred books in a year is quite easy, but I never dreamed that I would end up reading over 200.
I still haven't made up my mind if I'm going to participate in this challenge this year; it was fun, but tedious to keep updated.
To see the full list of what I read last year click HERE.

Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge 2010
Okay I was definitely worried about the library challenge. Because I was thinking what on earth am I going to read since it felt like I had read just about everything my library had to offer. Luckily, they had more books that I wanted to read or re-read than I had originally thought they did. Thus I ended up more then exceeding what I was shooting for in this challenge (which was 75 library books) and ended up reading 121 library books this past year.
To see the full list of books I borrowed from the library, click HERE.

2010 Debut Author Challenge
Alas, I failed most horrible on this challenge and only read 5 debut author books. *hangs head in shame*
While I might not have done to well in this challenge, the ones I did read were simply amazing and I absolutely cannot wait to read the next books in each of the different series.
I honestly don't think I'm going to participate in this challenge again, at least not this year. It was fun, but too stressful.
To see the full list of what I read, and what I wanted to read but didn't get a chance to, click HERE.

The Marple Poirot Holmes Challenge
I am ashamed to admit that I failed this challenge. Why? Because I ended up forgetting that I had signed up for it. I finished the Holmes part of the challenge, but could never decide what Poirot and Miss Marple books I wanted to read, then I read other books and just forgot.
If this one's going on again this year I'm definitely going to try again.
To see the sad progress I made on this challenge, click HERE.

I do believe that I have covered every single challenge I joined last year. I managed to finish two out of the four challenges that I signed up for. I'm looking forward to all the challenges that are being hosted in the new year.

If you're looking for a new challenge to sign up for, come check out my first challenge to celebrate the books of one of my favorite authors with the L.J. Smith Reading challenge 2011.


  1. My head is spinning. There are so many challenges.

  2. Good Heavens, you did fantastic! You're a reading machine - Congrats!


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