In My Mailbox (72)

In My Mailbox was started by Kristi of The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Sadly the only books I order are those that are hard to find. The following books are from the library and bookstores.

Fallen (Fallen, 1) by Lauren Kate, 2009.
I know I'm a bit behind the times but I still haven't read Fallen. Although, that will change sometime (maybe not this month, but definitely this year) in the near future.
I'm really looking forward to finally getting a chance to read it.

Torment (Fallen, 2) by Lauren Kate, 2010.
I know, I haven't even read the first one, so why do I have the second one. Well I won it, that's why.

A big thanks goes out to Random Buzzers. I won both Fallen and Torment from them during their 12 Days of Christmas giveaway.

Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly, 2010.
I'm really intrigued by the synopsis for Revolution and cannot wait to get a chance to read it. Alas, it will probably be quite sometime before I actually get a chance to read it.

Another big thanks to Random Buzzers. I won this book during another one of their 12 Days of Christmas giveaways.

She's So Dead to Us ARC by Kieran Scott, 2010.
Sounds interesting, so I'll try to get around to reading it soon.

I'd like to send a big thanks out to Laura of The Calico Critic.

Boys Over Flowers 1 by Yoko Kamio, 1992.
I've actually already read Boys Over Flowers, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. The only thing I didn't much care for was the artwork, but it was a interesting story.

MeruPuri 1 by Matsuri Hino, 2003.
I picked up MeruPuri mainly because I enjoyed reading Vampire Knight and wanted to try another series by Matsuri Hino (love her artwork). I absolutely loved it, too bad my library system only has the first volume.

Fruits Basket 10 by Natsuki Takaya, 2002.
Fruits Basket 11 by Natsuki Takaya, 2003.
Fruits Basket 12 by Natsuki Takaya, 2003.
Fruits Basket 13 by Natsuki Takaya, 2005.
Fruits Basket 14 by Natsuki Takaya, 2006.
I kind of forgot to mention all of the books I borrowed from the library over the last few weeks. I've already read all of the Fruits Basket volumes mentioned above, and I loved them. I so wish I owned the whole entire series so that I could set a side a couple of days and just read it from start to finish.

I do believe that I'm caught up with books that I have either received or borrowed from the library from the last couple of weeks.
I hope y'all have had a great book week also.


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