Three for One: Tackling My TBR Pile(s) in 2012

After organizing my TBR piles yet again, I have come to the conclusion that I need to make more time to read all the books that I have bought, won, or traded for in the last year or two. So In order to achieve this and stay on top of my review pile I have decided to do a three for one.

What does that involve, well, for every three review books I either listen to or read I will read one book of my TBR that has absolutely no obligation attached to it (i.e. I don't have to review it unless I want to).
While this is more of a personal challenge, ya'll are more than welcome to join in and beat back your own TBR pile-just link back here if you want to join.
My hope is that by the end of the year I will have taken a considerable chunk out of my personal TBR stacks that are currently blocking my shelves. I am only coun ting ones that I have never read before, so if I bought but have already read it, it will not make the list.

My TBR Pile Stands At:

Number of Books I've Read So Far:


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