In My Mailbox (96)

In My Mailbox was started by Kristi of The Story Siren and inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Sadly the only books I order are those that are hard to find. The following books are from the library and bookstores.

Ruby Red  (Edelstein-Trilogie, 1)  by Kerstin Gier, 2011. Published by Henry Holtand Co.  
I love books with time-travel in them, so when I entered like 40 different giveaways for it (yes, I probably went a b it overboard, but I really wanted to read it). It sounds good...hence why I wanted it.  

Won from Becky at Stories & Sweeties.

Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey, 2011. Published by Walker Children's
Haunting Violet is another book that I really wanted (I've already read the first few pages and cannot wait till I get a chance to finish it), so imagine my surprise when I won it on FB (I am on FB, but I like it separate from my blog self).  

Won from Alyxandria Harvey & Walker Books (on FB).

The Rag and Bone Shop by Robert Cormier, 2001. Published by Dell Laurel Leaf.
I've already devoured The Rag and Bone Shop and absolutely loved it. My review for it will be up week after next, which will also be the week that I'm not around int he blogosphere. Hope ya'll will check out my thoughts on it.

The Wrong Number (Fear Street, 5) by R.L. Stine, 1990. Published by Simon Pulse.
This one an okay read, not my favorite Fear Street book by far. I'll be reviewing it soon as well.
The Return of the King (Lord of the Rings, 3) by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1955. Published by Ballantine Books.
I know this is the third book in the LoTR trilogy, but decided to get it when I saw it. I plan on one day reading all three books.

Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson, 1980. Published by Scholastic.
I bought Jacob Have I Loved because I thought I had read it before, turns out that either I hadn't or it's been so long that I completely forgot what it was all about. Regardless of all that I loved it and will be reviewing it sometime in the future.
Over Sea, Under Stone (The Dark is Rising, 1) by Susan Cooper, 1965. Published by Jonathan Cape.
I am currently in the middle of reading Over Sea, Under Stone and so far its really good.
I do believe that that is all for me this week in books. Hope ya'll have had a great week as well. =)
    If ya'll could please stop by and vote for next months book on Vintage Reads that would totally make my weekend. So far there is a three-way tie. You can vote by going -> HERE. Thanks! =)

Around the blog this week-
Review: The Albuquerque Turkey by John Vorhaus (3 out of 5 pineapples).
Review: eV volume 1 by James Farr and Alfa Robbi (3 out of 5 pineapples).
Teaser Tuesday: from The Albuquerque Turkey by John Vorhaus.
Wish List Wednesday: Out for Blood by Alyxandra Harvey & Amazing Agent Jennifer 1 by Nunzio DeFilippis & Christina Weir.

Follow Friday
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Once Upon a Read-a-Thon (End)
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  1. I'm super jealous that you won Ruby Red! I want it so bad. lol. Great IMM.

  2. Great books you got this week. I absolutely loved The Rag and Bone Shop. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  3. I loved Haunting Violet. Hope you love it!!

  4. Haunting Violet looks awesome! And I've been slowly acquiring the Lord of the Rings book too so that I can read them sometime..I just haven't gotten around to actually opening them yet. Nice mailbox! Here's My IMM if you want to check it out! Happy reading!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

    P.S. I love the look of your blog!! I'm a new follower :)

  5. Nice mailbox this week. Haunting Violet looks like such a great book.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous


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