
Author: Robin McKinley
Title: Sunshine1
Number of Pages: 389
Publication Date: 2003
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: "There hadn't been any trouble out at the lake for years, and Sunshine just needed a spot where she could be alone with her thoughts. Vampires never entered her mind. Until they found her."

I really enjoyed reading Robin McKinley's Sunshine. The only thing I didn't like about the book was the format it was done in. There weren't any chapters, just parts with stopping points every now and again.
I found Sunshine to be an interesting character with her need to feed people and trying to be normal and deny her heritage as a magic user. But I must say Con was my favorite character in the whole book.
Another thing I absolutely loved about this book was Robin McKinley's take on vampires. It made me think why had no one ever thought of that possibility before. I guess I should explain what I mean. The older of her vampires couldn't even go out on a clear night when the moon was out. Why? Because the moon reflects the light of the sun, that's why. And the baddies were actually very EVIL, with now redeeming qualities.
Like I said, Sunshine is an amazing read, but not suited to younger teens and pre-teens.
I honestly think I could go on about how much I loved this book, but I'm just going to end my review now before I give something away. :)
Sunshine earns 4 out of 5 pineapples.
1. Sunshine  was borrowed from the library.


  1. just found ur blog i'm a new follower now!

  2. I found your blog too, and it's amazing!
    I've tried to read Robin, but the books never worked out for me.

  3. Hi Cindy and Kirthi, welcome to my blog. :)

  4. I love the fact that you always find great books that I've never heard of. Thanks!


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