Meet the Austins
Title: Meet the Austins1
Series: Austin Family (book 1)
Number of Pages: 191
Publication Date: 1960
Genre: YA
Synopsis: "For a family with four kids, two dogs, assorted cats, and a constant stream of family and friends dropping by, life in the Austin family home has always been remarkably steady and contented. When a family friend suddenly dies in a plane crash, the Austins open their home to an orphaned girl, Maggy Hamilton. The Austin children—Vicky, John, Suzy, and Rob—do their best to be generous and welcoming to Maggy. Vicky knows she should feel sorry for Maggy, but having sympathy for Maggy is no easy thing. Maggy is moody and spoiled; she breaks toys, wakes people in the middle of the night screaming, discourages homework, and generally causes chaos in the Austin household. How can one small child disrupt a family of six? Will life ever return to normal?"
I know I just reviewed A House Like A Lotus yesterday, but I felt like following it up with a review for Meet the Austins.
First off Meet the Austins was one of the shortest books I have read this year, coming in at only 191 pages.
Meet the Austins another great read by Madeleine L'Engle. I would definitely say that this book has turned into one of my favorite book by her, as have all the rest of her books.
For most of the book I felt the same way about Maggy as did Vicky and her brother. That it was just easy to dislike her than to feel bad about the loss that she had under gone.
My favorite part of the book was when the Austins dressed up in an attempt to scare of their uncle's new "girlfriend" and the repercussions for their joke.
I most admit that I really like the sibling dynamic. They way they'd argue, but forget their arguments to help each other.
The only thing I didn't like about the book was that it was so short. It just seemed to end sooner than I was ready for it to be over.
Meet the Austins was a great read by a great author.
Series: Austin Family (book 1)
Number of Pages: 191
Publication Date: 1960
Genre: YA
Synopsis: "For a family with four kids, two dogs, assorted cats, and a constant stream of family and friends dropping by, life in the Austin family home has always been remarkably steady and contented. When a family friend suddenly dies in a plane crash, the Austins open their home to an orphaned girl, Maggy Hamilton. The Austin children—Vicky, John, Suzy, and Rob—do their best to be generous and welcoming to Maggy. Vicky knows she should feel sorry for Maggy, but having sympathy for Maggy is no easy thing. Maggy is moody and spoiled; she breaks toys, wakes people in the middle of the night screaming, discourages homework, and generally causes chaos in the Austin household. How can one small child disrupt a family of six? Will life ever return to normal?"
I know I just reviewed A House Like A Lotus yesterday, but I felt like following it up with a review for Meet the Austins.
First off Meet the Austins was one of the shortest books I have read this year, coming in at only 191 pages.
Meet the Austins another great read by Madeleine L'Engle. I would definitely say that this book has turned into one of my favorite book by her, as have all the rest of her books.
For most of the book I felt the same way about Maggy as did Vicky and her brother. That it was just easy to dislike her than to feel bad about the loss that she had under gone.
My favorite part of the book was when the Austins dressed up in an attempt to scare of their uncle's new "girlfriend" and the repercussions for their joke.
I most admit that I really like the sibling dynamic. They way they'd argue, but forget their arguments to help each other.
The only thing I didn't like about the book was that it was so short. It just seemed to end sooner than I was ready for it to be over.
Meet the Austins was a great read by a great author.
Meet the Austins earns 5 out of 5 pineapples.
1. Meet the Austins was borrowed from the library.
I've never actually read anything by Madeleine L'Engle, maybe it's about time I changed that...