The Devouring
Title: The Devouring1
Series: The Devouring (book 1)
Number of Pages: 240
Publication Date: 2008
Genre: Horror and Suspense
Synopsis: "When dark creeps in and eats the light, Bury your fears on Sorry Night.
For in the winter's blackest hours,
Comes the feasting of the Vours,
No one can see it, the life they stole,
Your body's here but not your soul..." THE VOURS: Evil, demonic beings that inhabit human bodies on Sorry Night, the darkest hours of the winter solstice. When Reggie reads about the Vours in a mysterious old journal, she assumes they are just the musings of an anonymous lunatic. But when her little brother, Henry, begins to act strangely, it's clear that these creatures exist beyond a madwoman's imagination, and Reggie finds out what happens when fears come to life. To save the people she loves, Reggie must learn to survive in a world of nightmares. Can she devour her own fears before they devour her? The Devouring is an engrossing tale of terror that will have you wondering: what if your worst fears became your living nightmare?"
OMZ! The Devouring drew me in from the very first page. I was so engrossed in this book that I could barely put it down. I think what I loved the most about the story was that it was different and the storyline wasn't one that has been over used.
My favorite part(s) of the book would have to be the fearscape. It gave the story a little something extra, plus it was interesting to see all the things that scared the kid. Another thing I liked was the twist near the end of the book when the main character Reggie found out the there was more than one Vour in her town.
I would have to say that The Devouring was one of the creepiest books I have read in a long time... if ever.
Reggie was a fairly interesting character to read about. The thing I liked most about her was when she faced her biggest fear.
I just wish I had waited to read it on Sorry Night. Heheheh. Now that would have been awesome.
The Devouring was a thoroughly fascinating read and I totally cannot wait to read the second book.
Series: The Devouring (book 1)
Number of Pages: 240
Publication Date: 2008
Genre: Horror and Suspense
Synopsis: "When dark creeps in and eats the light, Bury your fears on Sorry Night.
For in the winter's blackest hours,
Comes the feasting of the Vours,
No one can see it, the life they stole,
Your body's here but not your soul..." THE VOURS: Evil, demonic beings that inhabit human bodies on Sorry Night, the darkest hours of the winter solstice. When Reggie reads about the Vours in a mysterious old journal, she assumes they are just the musings of an anonymous lunatic. But when her little brother, Henry, begins to act strangely, it's clear that these creatures exist beyond a madwoman's imagination, and Reggie finds out what happens when fears come to life. To save the people she loves, Reggie must learn to survive in a world of nightmares. Can she devour her own fears before they devour her? The Devouring is an engrossing tale of terror that will have you wondering: what if your worst fears became your living nightmare?"
OMZ! The Devouring drew me in from the very first page. I was so engrossed in this book that I could barely put it down. I think what I loved the most about the story was that it was different and the storyline wasn't one that has been over used.
My favorite part(s) of the book would have to be the fearscape. It gave the story a little something extra, plus it was interesting to see all the things that scared the kid. Another thing I liked was the twist near the end of the book when the main character Reggie found out the there was more than one Vour in her town.
I would have to say that The Devouring was one of the creepiest books I have read in a long time... if ever.
Reggie was a fairly interesting character to read about. The thing I liked most about her was when she faced her biggest fear.
I just wish I had waited to read it on Sorry Night. Heheheh. Now that would have been awesome.
The Devouring was a thoroughly fascinating read and I totally cannot wait to read the second book.
The Devouring earns 5 out of 5 pineapples.
1. The Devouring was borrowed from the library.
Great, I just got this book last night hoping it would be good. I can't wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteI'm really looking forward to this one. So glad to hear you liked it!