I Want to Read It (72): Dino Records

I Want to Read It, a hybrid between WLW (or WOW) and what's on my to-be-read pile. Well, instead of focusing just on books I would like to acquire, I will be using it to feature books that I just want to read. From the ones, I want to buy to the one's sitting on my TBR at home.

Dino Records: The Most Amazing Prehistoric Creatures Ever to Have Lived on Earth! by National Geographic Kids, July 13, 2017. Published by National Geographic Kids. 
Curious which creatures ruled when dinosaurs roamed the Earth? Get ready to meet the record-setters, including the biggest, smallest, smartest, weirdest, deadliest, most notorious, and most mysterious of all time. You'll find fantastic firsts, including the first dinosaur fossils found and the first dinos in space. And you'll meet other rad, remarkable creatures that lived before, after, and alongside them.

Did you know that the largest fish, the largest turtle, and the largest flying animal that ever existed lived during the time of the dinosaurs? Or that mammals - no bigger than a small dog when dinosaurs roamed - eventually evolved into massive land animals? See who wins in head-to-head species smackdowns and enjoy games that complement the records.

Do I really need to mention why I am interested in this book!! If so, then you must be new to my blog... 

You guessed it, I am still as obsessed with dinosaurs as I was when they first captured my attention (I believe I was ten). Really, anything that has to do with dinosaurs is sure to pique my curiosity; especially ones that deal with the fossil records or gathers together the oddest of the odd (I'm totally 'looking' at you Spinosaurus). 

I just think this one sounds fascinating and like something all dinosaur lovers would enjoy. Especially young children who have just gotten into dinosaurs. 


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