I Want to Read It (69): Driver's Ed

I Want to Read It, a hybrid between WLW (or WOW) and what's on my to-be-read pile. Well, instead of focusing just on books I would like to acquire, I will be using it to feature books that I just want to read. From the ones, I want to buy to the one's sitting on my TBR at home.

Driver's Ed by Caroline B Cooney, August 1, 1994. Published by Delacorte Books for Young Readers. 

Three teenagers' lives are changed forever when they thoughtlessly steal a stop sign from a dangerous intersection and a young mother is killed in an automobile accident there.


I have actually read Caroline B. Cooney's Driver's Ed numerous times. It was one of the first books of hers that I read when I discovered her writing thanks to, you guessed it, the library. It was one of the most chilling books I have ever read as the character must face the consequences of their very bad decision. A decision that not only impacted their futures' but also changed that of a young family's. 

It's one book that has stuck with me for the longest time. It's also one that I should probably look into buying one day to further my collection of Caroline B. Cooney books. 

I guess you could say that this edition of I Want to Read It is more about what I'd like to reread...or a recommendation to, if possible, read this book. Sure, it's rather old, but it is still a great read. Now I just need to locate a copy so I can satisfy my need to revisit it. 


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