*At Last* the Winner Is....

Sorry for the long delay on announcing the winner for Hunted by the Others by Jess Haines. Hope y'all had a great Christmas, I know I did.
Since y'all have waited long enough, I'm going to stop dithering and just announce the winner.

And the Winner is.......

Congrats Tetewa, hope you enjoy the book.
I have already emailed you.

Winner has 48 hours to respond before I will pick a new winner.

I will have up in the next day or so sign ups for the L.J. Smith author reading challenge I'm hosting, my CSN review, and a few other posts.
I'm so excited, tomorrow is my birthday. I'm going to make my Mom, Dad & sisters watch my favorite movies.


  1. Congratulations to the winner!

    Happy Birthday, Orchid! :)

  2. Welcome back, Orchid! Hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday.

    Congrats to the winner, too!



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