DNF Review: Blood Rose Rebellion
The Blood Rose Rebellion (Blood Rose Rebellion, 1) by Rosalyn Eves, March 28, 2017. 416 pages. Published by Knopf Books for Young Readers. Source: Publisher.
Sixteen-year-old Anna Arden is barred from society by a defect of blood. Though her family is part of the Luminate, powerful users of magic, she is Barren, unable to perform the simplest spells. Anna would do anything to belong. But her fate takes another course when, after inadvertently breaking her sister’s debutante spell—an important chance for a highborn young woman to show her prowess with magic—Anna finds herself exiled to her family’s once powerful but now crumbling native Hungary.
Her life might well be over.
In Hungary, Anna discovers that nothing is quite as it seems. Not the people around her, from her aloof cousin Noémi to the fierce and handsome Romani Gábor. Not the society she’s known all her life, for discontent with the Luminate is sweeping the land. And not her lack of magic. Isolated from the only world she cares about, Anna still can’t seem to stop herself from breaking spells.
As rebellion spreads across the region, Anna’s unique ability becomes the catalyst everyone is seeking. In the company of nobles, revolutionaries, and Romanies, Anna must choose: deny her unique power and cling to the life she’s always wanted, or embrace her ability and change that world forever.
First Sentence
I did not set out to ruin my sister's debut.
I was really excited at the chance to read The Blood Rose Rebellion as it sounded interesting and right up my alley. Unfortunately, it took me three weeks to read a hundred pages; which led me to DNF-ing it because I just did not care about the story nor the characters. There was nothing keeping me invested in the story.
- I was really hoping that this would be a good read. Or at least one that I could happily get lost in the world; as it sounded promising when I first came across it. The premise, that of magic being bound to certain bloodlines, was what first piqued my interest. Sadly, The Blood Rose Rebellion failed to live up to my expectations.
- All things considered, even though I did not finish nor like this one, there was one thing that I did sort of like. It's from pretty early on in the book so I do not think it is spoiler-ish so... The weirdness of debuting into society aside, I did like how those who debuted, like Anna's sister in the beginning of the book, where they would display their brand of magic. It was interesting to see them have to prove themselves, even if I did not like that it would decide whether or not they would be accepted into the higher echelons of society. The descriptions of the illusions made, as well as the mentions of the other powers, were well done. You could almost mentally see what the author was describing.
- My biggest complaints when it came to this book were the characters and the overall storyline. I just could not stand Anna. On the one hand, I applaud Anna for going after what she wants and trying to change her lack of power; yet, her quest for power made it impossible for me to like her. I apologize, I just cannot put into words why it bothered me so. It just flustered me!
- Even though I enjoyed the descriptive way the world's magic was told, I overall felt nothing about the writing. It, unfortunately, failed to capture my attention. While there were tiny glimmers that it could have been a decent book, there were just too many things about it that kept me from enjoying it. The story tropes, nay its whole "ness", just felt tired and "been there, done that".
- I have neither the time nor the patience to talk about the romance of this book. Other than to say that, yeah, saw that coming like when I first watched Frozen.
Final Verdict: The Blood Rose Rebellion- A little over a hundred pages and nothing of consequence ever happened. I am highly disappointed because I was expecting something so much more exciting than what it turned out to be.
The Blood Rose Rebellion earns
A copy of this book was received through Blogging for Books in consideration for review. All thoughts are my own.
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