The Book that Made Me Cry Ugly Tears

Don't ask me why, but, I decided to do this post topsy-turvy. I just, you know, felt like doing it this way. If you hit read more, you'll be able to see what book I'm talking about. As there is no way I can properly discuss this book as it left such a tremendous impact on me and I just don't know how to talk about it.

Every Lent I select a book to read and meditate upon during the 40 days leading up to Easter. Unfortunately, I have this bad tendency to finish it about half way through the Lenten season... I hinted at this book a couple week's ago in my "This Book is SO" post.

This year, I borrowed a certain book from my mom's wonderful collection of books. Yes, this is the book that certain movie is based upon, that focuses on the visions of a religious who lived between 1774-1824 . Between the book and the movie, there's only maybe ten books that have made me shed as many tears as this one did. It was an incredible read.

What really makes this book such a powerful read is what it's based upon-the Passion and death of Jesus Christ. This book gave me chills as the intimate look at what he suffered from the Garden of Gethsemane on through the Scourging, Carrying of the Cross and Crucifixion. I cannot even tell you how difficult it was to read those passages. Reason being is that they were so, so vivid that you almost felt that you were there.

There were also scenes that really just made you think, like, the beginning of the Stations of the Cross and how Mary venerated the spots were Christ suffered. It was fascinating to see the beginning stages of a devotion that one knows quite well.

In certain ways, this book is just, well, mind blowing because it gives you such an intimate look at the what happened. I cannot get through the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary without getting chills because I can literally hear the hammer upon the nails as they were driving into his body.

This is one of those books that just sticks with you. I was scared to read it because the movie left me a royal mess (for three days).

The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Anne Catherine Emmerich, July 1, 2004 (originally published in 1833). Published by TAN Books. Source: borrowed from Mom.
Faithful to the Bible story of the Passion and death of Jesus, it fills in many details and is edifying and inspiring beyond belief; plus, it is surprising and heart-rending. It will melt a heart of stone. This book is the best on the Passion we have seen. It is also wonderful on the Blessed Mother's role in our redemption. Includes a short biography of Sr. Emmerich. A great, great book for the whole family!
First Sentence:
Anne Catherine Emmerich was born at Flamske, a village situated about a mile and a half from Coesfeld, in the bishopric of Munster, on the 8th of September 1774, and was Baptized in the church of St. James at Coesfeld. 


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