Vintage Reads: Winner for September

Oh my gosh! I had a serious brain fail. Its already the tenth of September and I haven't announced the winner for this month, or even set the post for next month. My only excuse is that I've been super busy and have been plagued with end of summer/fall allergies.

Wow, you guys are awesome. This was the closet round yet and the winner only won by one single vote. Ya'll rock!

So onto which book took the cake this month (mmm, cake) for the Fanged and Dangerous Category. And the winning books is....
In the Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes with 3 votes.

Katie @ Novel Society:
I think the characters are amazing and the plot is interesting. plus its Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. She's one of my favorite authors! :)
Jessica @ The Midnight Bookworm:
Look at that cover!! Without even reading the synops it looks amazing.
The runners up were-
Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klaus with 2 votes

Alyssa @ Mostly Books.... Occasional Rants....:
"I picked The Silver Kiss because it's the one I'd most like to see a review for. Although, I wouldn't mind if In the Forests of the Night won. It was hard to choose between the two. The Silver Kiss won because the synopsis gave me a little taste of what it's about, but I'd like to have some more information, which is what I would get (I think.) if you reviewed it.

I accidentally read All Just Glass (which is Den of Shadows #5) before I even read the first book of the series. (The books seem to kind of be stand-alone sometimes but not? From what I figured out on Goodreads, Book 3 has a storyline that continues in Book 5, but Book 4 is completely different. Not completely sure about that since I have read any books other than #5.) So, that's why I didn't pick In the Forests of the Night. Would love to see a review if it wins though. :-D (I really rambled on, didn't I? Heh heh.)"
The Awakening  by L.J. Smith with 1 vote

Michelle @ The True Book Addict:
I love the TV series and I've had the book in my TBR pile for a while now.  Would be interesting to hear someone's take on the book, as opposed to the show.
Bloodlines by Kate Cary came in with 0 votes. :(
I feel bad that Bloodlines didn't get any love, especially since its one of my favorite books.

There you have it. My readers have spoken so I will re-read In the Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater Rhodes this month.
Again, thanks goes out to all you lovelies for voting and stopping by.

Alyssa, in answer to your question: I have only read the first four (or the original four) of the Vampire Diaries so far.
I'll definitely see if I can find any books for a fae/fairy theme one month since I have done it before. Thanks for the suggestion. =)

I will try to have next months selection up by Tuesday, and in honor of the month of October it will be horror/monsters (as you can tell I haven't come up with a witty/clever name yet).


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