Teaser Tuesday
Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. To participate, simply do the following: Grab your current read Open to a random page Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
This week's teasers are taken from Mistwood by Leah Cypress and The Savages by Matt Whyman. Enjoy.
Mistwood (Mistwood, 1) by Leah Cypress (my review):
The Savages (The Savages, 1) by Matt Whyman (my review):
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
This week's teasers are taken from Mistwood by Leah Cypress and The Savages by Matt Whyman. Enjoy.
Mistwood (Mistwood, 1) by Leah Cypress (my review):
Isabel tried to smirk, discovered that wolves couldn't, and shifted. Still wearing the gray riding outfit she had put on two weeks ago, she crossed her legs and lifted her eyebrows. "Legends can be incomplete." page 139
The Savages (The Savages, 1) by Matt Whyman (my review):
"No death should be taken in vein, as we all hope you learned after what happened last weekend." He watched the boy press his lips together, nodding at the same time. page 120
Ooh, The Savages sounds intriguing. And I like Mistwood's teaser!