A Vintage Reads Review: Mistwood

Mistwood (Mistwood, 1) by Leah Cypress, April 27, 2010. 304 pages. Published by Greenwillow Books. Source: Library.
The Shifter is an immortal creature bound by an ancient spell to protect the kings of Samorna. When the realm is peaceful, she retreats to the Mistwod.

But when she is needed she always comes.

Isabel remembers nothing. Nothing before the prince rode into her forest to take her back to the castle. Nothing about who she is supposed to be, or the powers she is supposed to have.

Prince Rokan needs Isabel to be his Shifter. He needs her ability to shift to animal form, to wind, to mist. He needs her lethal speed and superhuman strength. And he needs her loyalty—because without it, she may be his greatest threat.

Isabel knows that her prince is lying to her, but she can't help wanting to protect him from the dangers and intrigues of the court . . . until a deadly truth shatters the bond between them.

Now Isabel faces a choice that threatens her loyalty, her heart . . . and everything she thought she knew.
First Sentence:
She knew every inch of the forest, every narrow path that twisted and wound its way beneath the silver branches.

Mistwood has been on my list of books to read for probably the last three years. I know, that's a long time to wait to read it. Well, the problem is I had to wait till the library had it, and then I temporarily forgot about it till recently. While it may have taken me some time to finally get my hands on a copy, Mistwood turned out to be well worth the wait.

2014 is looking to be the year of fantasy books for me, so, I'm glad to be able to include Leah Cypress' Mistwood into my reading mix. Most especially since I enjoyed her writing and the lore behind the Shifter, as well, as Isabel's struggle to find the truth behind what happened ten years ago and where her loyalties lie. There were just so many factors as to why I enjoyed this one, but when it comes down to it, the story and flow of the writing is what made this enjoyable.

So, for those who are looking for a book with a strong heroine who happens to be the one doing to protecting, then, for you I would recommend Mistwood. It is definitely a unique twist on fantasy and the emotional aspects of the book, in all things concerning Isabel, will pull at your heart.

What I ended up enjoying most about Leah Cypress/ Mistwood would have to be the mythology surrounding the Shifter and her role in protecting the kings of Samorna. It was interesting to see how well documented, in the story, the existence of the Shifter was and how the kings seemed to be of two minds, fear and total trust, when it came to it.
   The final thing I really enjoyed about this book was Isabel's struggle with these unknown feelings, and most especially the end to her story in the book.It was perhaps one of the best twists of the book. I would totally tell y'all more about why I loved that part, but I do not wish to spoil it for those who have yet to read it.

Even though I really enjoyed reading Mistwood, I did have one or two problems with the characters. While I enjoyed reading about Isabel, especially the end of her story, my problem is with Rokan and his easy going nature. Why did I not like his personality, well, that it simple, he was too naive and while a nice guy, he would not have what it takes to rule and protect his country from possible attacks. So, while I felt that he was the weakest link character-wise and not fit to be considered for kingship, I did enjoy the way he balanced out Isabel's personality.

Final Verdict: Mistwood- I loved the mystery and lore behind the Shifter and how Leah Cypress wove that story into her book.

Mistwood earns 4 out of 5 griffins


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