All About Middle Grade Review: The Slither Sisters
The Slither Sisters (Tales from Lovecraft Middle School, 2) by Charles Gilman, January 15, 2013. 174 pages. Published by Quirk Books. Source: Publisher.
This second novel in the Tales from Lovecraft Middle School series begins right where Professor Gargoyle ended. Seventh-grader Robert Arthur has discovered that two of his classmates are actually sinister snake-women in disguise. Even worse, his new middle school is full of “gates” to a terrifying alternate dimension – a haunted mansion full of strange spirits and monstrous beasts. For Robert to protect his teachers and classmates, he'll need to return to this haunted dimension with his best friends Glenn and Karina. Can they uncover the secrets of Lovecraft Middle School before it's too late?First Sentence:
Robert Arthur and Glenn Torkels were sitting in the principal's office.
And I have found yet another book that slipped beneath my review radar last year. Never fear, I am here to correct that by telling you my thoughts on the second installment of Tales from Lovecraft Middle School.
Personally, from a reader standpoint, I enjoyed seeing more of the mystery behind Lovecraft Middle School explored in the second installment and how we get to see a little more about where the gates, that Robert and co. discovered in book one, lead. The one thing I'm still waiting on answers to is why. They may have been revealed in this one and I just don't remember, but I do have to the feeling that it'll take at least one more book before we now the why's behind the weirdness of the school.
One of the things I enjoyed most about The Slither Sisters would have to be the writing. Charles Gilman definitely knows his way around creating a creepy and suspenseful yarn. Pair his writing with the illustrations within the book and you'll know why I found this too be such an entertaining read. Seriously though, I would suggest this book to any reader looking for a thoroughly enjoyable read; be they young or old you really cannot miss with this one.
If memory serves, there wasn't anything I disliked about The Slither Sisters because it picks up right were the first book left off; and because the story line progresses nicely as Robert and Glenn (enemies turned friends) slowly began to piece together the the mystery behind some strange occurrences at their school. It was definitely a great followup that left me craving book three.
Final Verdict: The Slither Sisters- Just as delightfully creepy and entertaining as its predecessor.
The Slither Sisters earns 4 out of 5 griffins
This book was received for an honest review.
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