Author: Barbara Michaels
Title: Greygallows
Number of Pages: 352
Publication date: 1972
Genre: Mystery/Horror
Synopsis: "Lucy Cartwright placed her life and future into the hands of the dashing Baron Clare, despite the rumors of his dark, unsavory past. Trusting his kind words and gentle manner, she agreed to be his wife and followed the enigmatic lord to Greygallows, his sprawling country estate. But mystery, deception, betrayal, and danger surround the magnificent manor—a ghostly secret charges the atmosphere and terror reigns in its shadowed hallways. Lucy entered Greygallows willingly . . . and now she may never leave."
Greygallows is only the fourth Barbara Michaels book that I have read and I'm finding her to be one of my all time favorite authors. Her stories are just amazing and her writing is captivating. In my opinion she's right up there with Agatha Christie (my favorite author in case ya'll might have forgotten).
The setting for the book is the late 1800's (I'm so glad I didn't live back then) where a woman was nothing more than a piece of property and her money and land would belong to her husband *gag*, but the main character (Lucy) finally found true happiness in the end after suffering being married to a two timing money burning pig. Who was nice to her only because he thought she was going to die and that he would shortly inherit all of her money.
I think that Barbara Michael’s captured the feeling of the time period perfectly and I would recommend her books to anyone who loves a thrilling, yet thought provoking read.
Greygallows receives 5 out of 5 pineapples.
Dame Orchid
Title: Greygallows
Number of Pages: 352
Publication date: 1972
Genre: Mystery/Horror
Synopsis: "Lucy Cartwright placed her life and future into the hands of the dashing Baron Clare, despite the rumors of his dark, unsavory past. Trusting his kind words and gentle manner, she agreed to be his wife and followed the enigmatic lord to Greygallows, his sprawling country estate. But mystery, deception, betrayal, and danger surround the magnificent manor—a ghostly secret charges the atmosphere and terror reigns in its shadowed hallways. Lucy entered Greygallows willingly . . . and now she may never leave."
Greygallows is only the fourth Barbara Michaels book that I have read and I'm finding her to be one of my all time favorite authors. Her stories are just amazing and her writing is captivating. In my opinion she's right up there with Agatha Christie (my favorite author in case ya'll might have forgotten).
The setting for the book is the late 1800's (I'm so glad I didn't live back then) where a woman was nothing more than a piece of property and her money and land would belong to her husband *gag*, but the main character (Lucy) finally found true happiness in the end after suffering being married to a two timing money burning pig. Who was nice to her only because he thought she was going to die and that he would shortly inherit all of her money.
I think that Barbara Michael’s captured the feeling of the time period perfectly and I would recommend her books to anyone who loves a thrilling, yet thought provoking read.
Greygallows receives 5 out of 5 pineapples.
Dame Orchid
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