The Second Generation
Title: The Second Generation
Number of Pages: 448
First Publication: 1994
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: "Years have passed since the end of the War of the Lance. The people of Ansalon have rebuilt their lives, their houses, their families. The Companions of the Lance, too, have returned to their homes, raising children and putting the days of their heroic deeds behind them.But peace on Krynn comes at a price. The forces of darkness are ever vigilant, searching for ways to erode the balance of power and take control. When subtle changes begin to permeate the fragile peace, new lives are drawn into the web of fate woven around all the races. The time has come to pass the sword-or the staff-to the children of the Lance.
They are the Second Generation."
I think I started The Second Generation over a year ago, but then I moved it got packed and I forgot about it, until I was rummaging through my shelves in search of something to read. The whole line of
If you haven't read any of these books you might find that it’s a bit confusing, until you realize that you can read another book (and another, and another, and so forth) to know what/who their talking about.
The Second Generation, receives 3 out of 4 cameo pendents.
Dame Orchid
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