A Vintage Reads YA Review: Manners and Mutiny

Manners and Mutiny (Finishing School, 4) by Gail Carriger, November 3, 2015. 326 pages. Published by Little Brown Books for Young Readers. Source: Borrowed from Library.
If one must flirt...flirt with danger. 
Lessons in the art of espionage aboard Mademoiselle Geraldine's floating dirigible have become tedious without Sophronia's sootie Soap nearby. She would rather thwart dastardly Picklemen, yet her concerns about their wicked intentions are ignored.

Who can she trust? Royal werewolf dewan? Stylish vampire Lord Akeldama? Only one thing is certain: a large-scale plot is under way. Sophronia must be ready to save her friends, her school, and all of London from disaster.
First Sentence
"A ball, at last!" Dimity Plumleigh-Teignmott sank back into her chair in delight.

Months and months later, I am finally closing out reviewing Gail Carriger's Finishing School series! Without further rambling, here are my thoughts on the end of this series!
  • I'll keep this short since it has been ages since I read Manners and Mutiny, and some of the smaller details have disappeared somewhere into the depths of my brain. Overall, I enjoyed the ending of the series and how things played out. Sophronia was, well, very Sophronia right till the very end. While I didn't agree with some of her actions near the end, she at least stayed very true to character with her choices.
  • One of the things I remember most vividly about this book is that it was both action-packed, she crashed an airship for goodness sake, and hilarious!!As with the previous installments, I really thought this book balanced everything so well; it was neither too serious nor too silly. Which made it all the more interesting to me as a reader. It just an overall enjoyable read, you know.
  • Like I said, most of what happened have slipped my mind, perhaps I've read too many books since this one, but I do remember that the character arcs were interesting. I really liked the progression of character development for Sophronia and her friends throughout the book; you could definitely see a marked difference from who they were in the beginning of the series to the end. Yet, as much as they changed and grew throughout the series, they were still very much themselves at the end. 
Final Verdict: Manners and Mutiny- A wonderfully adventurous conclusion to a great series.

A copy of this book was borrowed from the library. All thoughts are my own.


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