Storming the Castle: 5for5 with Kendra of Reading Over Time

A mystery is unfolding over the course of the next six days. Do you have the nerve to to accept the challenge of solving the mystery. Who is the girl behind the blog? Follow all the stops to learn more and to see where the story will go!!

Today, I would like to welcome Kendra from Reading Over Time to my blog. Be sure to stop by her blog to read the first installment of Storming the Castle: A Mystery Story.


        Kendra, how long have you been blogging? What inspired you to start your blog and what keeps you motivated to continue blogging?

I have been blogging for around two years for sure in the book blogging area.  I am pretty sure, around one and a half years on my first blog and a little more on my current blog. I started because I wanted to share my feels about books as well as do book tags like on YouTube, without having showing my face. Well, what motivates me to continue blogging, is well, I don't really know. Maybe I am interested to see how good my blog can be.

        Is there one book or person that has inspired you to be a better person?

I think it is more of a group effort that made me a better person. Different books, people, authors, they all influence me in their own way. I do believe the people whom influence me the ones who influence me the most would have to be my parents. They were the ones who encourage me and my siblings to do what we love and be kind. I am aware that I probably got off topic, but let's continue!

        On a more serious note. If you could have a do-over and read a favorite book for the first time, which book (or series) would you like to start over with? What is it about that book that makes you wish you could read it for the first time all over again?

If I could have a do-over, I think that I would probably read The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, which must seem weird since I know that so many people would choose Harry Potter. I didn't grow up with Harry. When I read them all the books were out and I basically binged read them. However The Lost Hero was what really got me into those kinds of books, and was what got me into collecting my own books because before that, me and my sister pretty much shared books. I would like to revisit for the first time again to laugh at the jokes and learn about Piper, Jason and Leo again, since I read this book before I read about Percy Jackson. This was my entrance to Rick's books.

        What is your favorite book quote and why does it mean so much to you?

My favourite (sorry I am Canadian) quote would have to be one that Tessa Grey said in Clockwork Angel, "'One must always be careful of books,' said Tessa, 'and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.'" I remember reading it and thinking about how much books have influenced my life and how much of it I owe to my love of books. So much of who I am today has been created by the books I read and I love how this quote shows that.

        You are stranded on a desert island and can only take one thing with you, what will it be?

Obviously my laptop. I would be able to access music (heck ya I am going to have wifi) and books as well as fanfictions. I am also a writer, so it pretty much works pretty well for me. If there is some way for me to charge it, it would be pretty useless if they weren't working.

As much as I adore Harry Potter, I like that you would choose The Lost Hero instead as your "read it for the first time again" pick; that and that your parents were a big influence upon your life. And that quote! I forgot all about that wonderful quote from Clockwork Angel and am super glad you mentioned it, as well, as why it means so much to you! 

Guys, now it's my turn to answer Kendra's questions and I am so excited!!


  • What are your favourite kinds of post to make? Why are they your favourite?
My favorite posts to write are:  

1) Teaser Tuesday, hosted by MizB of Books And A Beat, because I quite enjoy sharing short quotes from the books that I have read and reviewed. It's one of my favorites because seeing quotes from books that everyone enjoys usually makes me want to read the book more than just reading the synopsis on Goodreads. A good quote piece tells me a lot about the book and whether or not it would be something I personally would enjoy.

That and I just really, really like book quotes!

2) This Book is So- where I secretively talk about what I'm reading and how I feel about a book via gifs. 

As much as I enjoy review writing, it is the fun posts that are my favorites.

  •  If you could chose one book for everyone that you know to read, what would it be and why?
Hands down, it would be The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis. Even though it is the final book in the Chronicles of Narnia, it is such a beautiful and powerful book. I have read it at least ten times and it still hits me in the heart each and every time. I love this book with all my heart! 

Other than my undying love of this book, the reason I believe everyone should read it is... That it gives a beautiful perspective on Heaven. Like how it is more, well, everything than anyone can possibly imagine. 

This quote sums it up nicely-
“I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now...Come further up, come further in!”
~ The Last Battle, C.S. Lewis
  •  For the last book you read, what album do you think would be the perfect soundtrack for said book? Why?
The last book I read was The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger. After much thought, the album that most fitting for it would be  Scarecrow by Garth Brooks. 

As I was thinking over the albums on my ipod trying to decide upon an album for this question, one of the songs popped in to my head and it felt perfect. Perfect because so many of the lyrics seemed to fit with my mental portrait of the people from the book and their backstory; as well as the grief that those left behind faced. 

Specific songs-
The Storm
When You Come Back to Me Again
Big Money
Mr. Midnight
Why Ain't I Running
  • What was your favourite book that you read for school and what is your least favourite and what makes them different?
My favorite would have to be The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. It's one that I have returned to many times because it always leaves a different perspective each time I read it. It's creepy as can be given the topic, but, also interesting when you look at it and apply it to the context of our world today and how, chilling as it sounds, easy it is to be tripped up by the devil.

Oh gosh, Kendra, you have opened a can of worms here. 

My least favorite is Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Oh how I loathe that book and how so many people see it as romantic. It was a tragedy. Everything about that book makes me flaming angry; from the actual story-line to the way it has been interpreted. UGH!! Honestly, I could go on at length on why I dislike R&J as much as I do, but, that would be a very long and rant filled thesis worthy argument. So, I will stop now before I go off on a rage worthy of the Hulk. 

The difference between them is that one is an overly romanticized, ill perception of the tragic relationship between a young girl and cowardly guy; versus the other showing how the devil tries his hardest to pull as away from the good that will lead one to heaven. They're very polarizing books when I look at them in that light. 
  •  What is your favourite activity(ies) outside that doesn't include books?
Outside of blogging and outdoors, I enjoy playing soccer and running. I just enjoy being outside...when it's hot. Cold weather is another story. I'll be hibernating till summer rolls around again as I hate the cold.

Kendra thanks so much for the wonderful answers and questions. Again, don't forget to check out her blog Reading Over Time.

Stay tuned as tomorrow we will be traveling to the next blog and back again for Part II of Storming the Castle: A Mystery Story!!


  1. This was so much fun! I can't wait to see the rest of the story and everyone else's questions.


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