Storming the Castle: 5for5 with Emily of Emily Reads Everything

A mystery is unfolding over the course of the next six days. Do you have the nerve to to accept the challenge of solving the mystery. Who is the girl behind the blog? Follow all the stops to learn more and to see where the story will go!!

As we embark upon the third day of Storming the Castle: A Mystery Story, I am excited to welcome Emily of Emily Reads Everything to my blog.


  •         Emily, how long have you been blogging? What inspired you to start your blog and what keeps you motivated to continue blogging?

I’ve been blogging for 18 months. I started because I love books and I wanted to recommend books to people. However, the people I’ve met on twitter and in the blogging world really keep me going.
  •      When not reading or blogging, I enjoy_____? One thing I’ve always wanted to learn/do is____?

When not reading? What’s that? Seriously though, I volunteer for a nonprofit for 10-15 hours a month. I’ve also always wanted to learn Spanish.
  •      On a more serious note. If you could have a do-over and read a favorite book for the first time, which book (or series) would you like to start over with? What is it about that book that makes you wish you could read it for the first time all over again?

I think that every book series I’ve loved, I read either at the right time or at the right pace. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. If I were to start again and be able to read a favorite series again for the first time, I’d be afraid that I wouldn’t love it the way I do right now.
  •       The robot uprising has begun, which fictional character is capable of saving humanity from being enslaved?

Robots are more sci fi than fantasy, so I would need a sci fi hero. I choose Captain Jean Luc Picard. I think he would have a lot of resources. Maybe even an in since he was half robot when assimilated by the Borg.   Also, I’m a nerd.
  •        You are stranded on a desert island and can only take one thing with you, what will it be?

A boat, so I can sail away.

Spanish is one of many languages that I hope to learn (when I get a little extra time). That is a very good point, though sometimes, I just wish for the chance to fall in the love with a book or series again. Who am I kidding, that happens each time I revisit my favorites. Thanks so much for joining in, Emily!

Now, now it is my turn to answer Emily's questions!! I cannot wait!


  • I always want the best for people and I think its important to have a plan. What is your goal for your blog? 
My goal, well, I'm still trying to figure out my overall goal plan for my blog. Ideally, when my schedule opens up next year, I hope to expand my middle grade features and to increase the traffic that comes to my blog. Right now, I just don't have the time to dedicate as much time and energy to growing my blog and doing all I want to do.

In short, I want to maintain featuring both new and old titles that catch my attention. As there are so many books and authors out there that don't get nearly enough attention. Really, the overall plan is one that is, and has been, slowly evolving as I figure out what I want to see in my blog.
  • Do you like to cook? What is your favorite recipe to make?
I'm not really a fan of cooking! I blame the fact that every time I think about cooking all I see are all the dishes that I would inevitably be stuck cleaning. *side eyes sisters and their terrible ability to dirty every single dish whilst cooking*

While I don't really like to cook, I don't mind baking the occasional quick bread. My two favorites to bake are banana bread and this new pumpkin bread recipe the I recently found. 
  • Do you have any pets? Are you a cat or a dog person?
I have three Australian Shepherds! Sometimes they can be a little "spicy" when they're bored, but they are the sweetest dogs. Also crazy smart!

Both! I love both dogs and cats; although I'm allergic to cats and thus cannot have one. Which is sad because cats are interesting little creatures. 
  • What was your last 5 star read?
Oh, that's difficult as I have not had a five star fiction read, that was not a reread, in probably a year. 

It took some digging, but my last five star fiction read was See How They Run by Ally Carter. I just love her books and could not put this one down!! Yet, if we go with non-fiction, my last was Echo of God:  A Commentary For Beginners On St. Louis Marie Grignion De Montfort's True Devotion To Mary by Fr. Lance W. Harlow. This book was incredible!!
  • What is book did you have a completely different opinion about than most everyone else and why?
Probably Romeo and Juliet. I know that most people love that book and consider it romantic. I really rather loathe it. And hat is putting it mildly.

I just really do not a) like the play nor what it is about and b) do not like how so many interpret it as romantic when it is in fact a tragedy.

Be sure to check out Emily's blog, Emily Reads Everything  for Part III of Storming the Castle: A Mystery Story.

You can catch up with Part I & Part II if you missed them, as well, as the first two 5for5 posts with Kendra and  Melissa.


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