A Haunting 6th Blogoversary (Day the Fourth) with Claudia White
Welcome back to the fourth day of A Haunting 6th Blogoversary. Today I have the ever awesome Claudia White, author of Aesop's Secret and The Key to Kashdune, over to help me celebrate another year of blogging.
Guys, if you haven't checked out her delightfully entertaining middle grade series you are really missing out (it's one of my favorites). I have also been very lucky to work with Claudia over the last year during All About Middle Grade feature with an interview, which y'all should definitely check out. You can learn more about Claudia White by visiting her website.
Me: Q 1. What is the one author who made you fall in love with reading? Favorite book of theirs?
Early on it was Marguerite Henry. I was in love with horses and so, it seems, was she. Misty of Chincoteague and King of the Wind are tied for first place of my favorite books.I must look into these I haven't heard of them.
Me: Q 2. If you could live inside the world of one book which would it be and why?
Probably Chocolat by Joanne Harris. I love the characterisation of Vianne Rocher, her kindness, wisdom and mystical ways. Plus I've always loved France and the french people--I can see myself fitting nicely into the community.Books set in France are always pretty interesting...with the exception of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Chocolate...did they turn that into a movie?
Me: Q 3. Book you are currently telling the world they must be reading- RIGHT THIS MOMENT-?
Ken Follett's Century trilogy has hold of me right now. The series begins with Fall of Giants followed by Winter of the World. Edge of Eternity, the third book in this series is due out on September 16th--I can't wait!Oh man, you are just adding on to my list of books to try out!!!!! *doesn't mind though*
Me: Q 4. Your thoughts on the ups and downs of blogging?
I'm new to blogging, in fact I've just added a blog to my website. Having said that, I can already see the challenges: staying active, current and interesting being the biggest challenges. Blogging offers such freedom of expression but at the same time, special care must be taken to not offend.Y'all be sure you check out Claudia's new blog (best of luck). Yes, those are some of the biggest challenges when blogging; but the benefits by far out weigh the challenges in my opinion.
Me: Q 5. The world has fallen to a robot invasion and only one heroine/hero can possibly save the day, who do you choose?
In a past interview, I said that Superman would be my hero, unless the robots have a supply of kryptonite to render him helpless. If that were the case then I'd have to ask Mr. Incredible to step in to save the day.I would pick Mr. Incredible any day over Superman.
Alright, now it's time for me to answer Claudia White's question. *cracks knuckles in anticipation*
Claudia: You have such a wonderful enthusiastic style--how do you keep it up?
Aww, thanks, Claudia! *blushes* I don't know! I try to keep in mind that this is supposed to be an enjoyable venture by remaining flexible. If I'm not enjoying what I'm doing, I can tell by how much harder it is to write up a post. So, when that happens, I know that I need to take a step back and reevaluate why I'm blogging and get back to enjoying reading books even if that means taking a few days off from everything.
But, what I really think helps to keep me from loosing interesting and maintaining my "ness" is that, when the mood strikes me, I'll throw out all my current blogging routines and read whatever book is screaming at me to be read and then talked about.
Claudia, thank you so much for being a guest on my blog, yet again. It is always exciting to have you drop by and answer a few questions.
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