Book(s) to Trade

Alright, every now and again I do clean out my books. And when I do I like to make sure that the books that do not make the cut are given a good home.

This time around I have one book that is in need of a new home....

Bullet (Anita Black, Vampire Hunter, 19) by Laurell K. Hamilton. It is a signed hardback, never read.

I do not think this series is for me, and probably will not have the time to find/read the previous 18 books in the series.

Right now, I can only ship within the US.

What I am looking for (open to any finished YA?MG offers)-
Young adult or Mid-grade
No ARCs please


Trading will be open till the 18th of January (I'll return all trade offer emails on the 19th).

If you are interested in trading, please, email me at hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com

I may update this post at some point if I come across any other books that need new homes.


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