Tiny Blog: I'm Affiliated, Books for Trade, and Reading Challenge Update
If your interested in being an affiliate of mine just leave your email and blog URL in a comment and I'll get back to you if you're picked.
In other news I have three paperback books up for trade (all books are
And in my last bit of news. This week I have finished two out of the four reading challenges that I have entered in this year. Finished challenges being 100+ Reading Challenge (now I'm just seeing if I can beat last years record of books read) and The Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge (I'll probably end up reaching one-hundred in this challenge *at the least* by time the year is out).
(I almost forgot), Happy 4th of July.
Congrats on finishing your challenges early! I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be able to finish my challenges at all. I haven't even hit the halfway mark for the 100+.