Diary Queen

Author: Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Title: Dairy Queen
Series: Dairy Queen (book 1)
Publication Date: 2006
Number of Pages: 288
Genre: YA/Family and Relationships
Synopsis: “When you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said. Harsh words indeed, from Brian Nelson of all people. But, D. J. can’t help admitting, maybe he’s right. When you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said. Stuff like why her best friend, Amber, isn’t so friendly anymore. Or why her little brother, Curtis, never opens his mouth. Why her mom has two jobs and a big secret. Why her college-football-star brothers won’t even call home. Why her dad would go ballistic if she tried out for the high school football team herself. And why Brian is so, so out of her league.
When you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said.
Welcome to the summer that fifteen-year-old D. J. Schwenk of Red Bend, Wisconsin, learns to talk, and ends up having an awful lot of stuff to say."

Last year I had seen Dairy Queen floating around the blogosphere, but I never bothered to read the synopsis (I know, weird, but true), and then a couple of months ago I saw it my library (still didn’t bother reading the synopsis) and decided to check it out. Although I was shocked (in a good way that is) at what Dairy Queen was actually about I absolutely fell in love with the book and reading about DJ’s struggle to join her high school football team.
Of all the characters that I have read about, DJ has turned into one of my all time favorites. I really enjoyed reading about a character who wanted to do something out of the norm, and who was willing to go through the riggers of training to accomplish it.
My favorite part of the book would have to be the bog rivalry scrimmage between the two teams; I found that part of the book to be the hardest part to be pulled away from without being able to finish it right away.
The only thing I really didn’t like about Dairy Queen would have to be Brian. I just couldn’t stand him or his family or his team, although his coach was a decent person.
I am definitely looking forward to reading more about DJ, and trying more of Catherine Gilbert Murdock’s book.

Dairy Queen earns 5 out 5 pineapples.


  1. This one has been on my wishlist for ages, but I've never done anything about it. I'll have to buy it the next time I go book shopping. Great review!

  2. I tried this book, but just couldn't get into it. Something about th combination of farming and football, two of my least favorite things. But you liked it, and we have very similar taste in books, so maybe I'll give it another try sometime (probably not anytime soon, though).


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