The Rowan
Title: The Rowan1
I admit that I had no idea what The Rowan was about when I picked it up from the library. Can you believe that I put a book on hold with out reading the synopsis? There are very few authors were I would just pick up a book by them without having the slightest inkling about the story, but Anne McCaffrey is one of my favorite authors and didn't let me down with The Rowan.
Series: Tower and Hive (book 1)
Publication Date: 1990
Number of Pages: 328
Genre: Sci-Fi
Synopsis: "The Rowan was one of the strongest Talents ever born, but she was also lonely and without family, friends --or love. Then a telepathic message came from a distant world facing an alien threat, a message sent by an unknown Talent named Jeff Raven, and be it power, danger, or love--the Rowan is about to meet her match."
I admit that I had no idea what The Rowan was about when I picked it up from the library. Can you believe that I put a book on hold with out reading the synopsis? There are very few authors were I would just pick up a book by them without having the slightest inkling about the story, but Anne McCaffrey is one of my favorite authors and didn't let me down with The Rowan.
One of the things I liked the most about The Rowan would have to be how the most important characters, like the Rowan, all have some kind of psionic power and that they use them to transport things between the different planets and moons.
I liked the MC the Rowan in the first part of the book when she was still on Altir and learning to use her powers, but I didn't much care for her after she was made Prime of Callisto and when she fell for Jeff.
I felt that Rowan lost her edge and became too dependent upon Jeff and their relationship. Which was frankly annoying because I hate it when the character goes all soft just because they have fallen in love.
The only upside to her falling in love is that she was able to get over her fear of traveling and come to terms with her past.
The only upside to her falling in love is that she was able to get over her fear of traveling and come to terms with her past.
My favorite part of The Rowan would have to be when her Pukka was destroyed, by the niece of her guardian, and she was trying to put it back together. I liked that part because it was very vivid and dramatic.
The only drawback to this book would have to be that there weren't any chapters. The book was broken down into three or four parts, which made it hard to find a point at which I could put it down with out being in the middle of something.
The Rowan was a great fantasy book by one of my all time favorite authors (Anne McCaffrey) and I cannot wait to read more of her books.
The Rowan earns 4 out of 5 pineapples.
1. The Rowan was borrowed from the library.
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