Darkness Be My Friend
Title: Darkness Be My Friend1
Series: Tomorrow (book 4)
Number of Pages: 264
Publication Date: 1996
Genre: Fiction
Synopsis: "Five months into World War III, Ellie and her four remaining friends have barely escaped the Australian town of Wirrawee with their lives and their sanity intact. But as the next step becomes clear, they realize they must once again sacrifice their hard-won comfort and safety. A group of soldiers has recruited the kids to guide the way to the Wirrawee air base. What could possibly motivate Ellie and her friends to return? This risky sabotage mission may be their only hope of rescuing their families, too."
At the end of the previous book Ellie and her remaining friends had been caught and then after an air attack that broke down part of the wall and a close encounter with Major Harvey the remaining ones are rescued and taken to safety. But just five short months later they are heading back to guide a group of Kiwi SAS in an attempt to free Wirrawee and possibly their families.
I had the hardest time putting down this book. It was just so very gripping and amazingly real. Although it was also very happy and terribly sad at points when they received some of the news about friends and family. I find that with each book it becaomes harder and harder for me to put it down until I have finished it and then I just want to go and check out the next one from the library.
It seemed like in Darkness Be My Friend none of their plans went accorrding to plan. The SAS failed and went missing, Lee went missing for a few days and came back with news and slightly crazier than before. Ellie is cracking after a mistake she made during their "holiday" and nothing is going their way... except for one thing. No one's found their base in Hell yet.
Long and short of it, great book, greats series, can't wait to read the next one.
Series: Tomorrow (book 4)
Number of Pages: 264
Publication Date: 1996
Genre: Fiction
Synopsis: "Five months into World War III, Ellie and her four remaining friends have barely escaped the Australian town of Wirrawee with their lives and their sanity intact. But as the next step becomes clear, they realize they must once again sacrifice their hard-won comfort and safety. A group of soldiers has recruited the kids to guide the way to the Wirrawee air base. What could possibly motivate Ellie and her friends to return? This risky sabotage mission may be their only hope of rescuing their families, too."
At the end of the previous book Ellie and her remaining friends had been caught and then after an air attack that broke down part of the wall and a close encounter with Major Harvey the remaining ones are rescued and taken to safety. But just five short months later they are heading back to guide a group of Kiwi SAS in an attempt to free Wirrawee and possibly their families.
I had the hardest time putting down this book. It was just so very gripping and amazingly real. Although it was also very happy and terribly sad at points when they received some of the news about friends and family. I find that with each book it becaomes harder and harder for me to put it down until I have finished it and then I just want to go and check out the next one from the library.
It seemed like in Darkness Be My Friend none of their plans went accorrding to plan. The SAS failed and went missing, Lee went missing for a few days and came back with news and slightly crazier than before. Ellie is cracking after a mistake she made during their "holiday" and nothing is going their way... except for one thing. No one's found their base in Hell yet.
Long and short of it, great book, greats series, can't wait to read the next one.
Darkness Be My Friend earns 5 out of 5 pineapples.
1. Darkness Be My Friend was borrowed from the library.
Another good series I haven't heard of? You are a wealth of knowledge!