Burning for Revenge
Title: Burning for Revenge1
Series: Tomorrow (book 5)
Number of Pages:
Publication Date: 1997
Genre: Action/Adventure
Synopsis: "The journey to Stratton isn't an easy trip, especially when the enemy's headquarters lie somewhere along the way. And that's exactly where Ellie and her friends unwittingly find themselves. With only five of them against hundreds of armed soldiers, escape seems like a suicide mission. But Stratton is where Ellie's grandmother lives, so the journey must be made -- even though the odds aren't good. Ellie must summon all of her courage and guerrilla instincts to survive the latest high-stakes installment of the action-packed Tomorrow series."
OMZ2! Burning for Revenge was amazing. It was probably the best book in the series so far and that's saying a lot since I love this series. I don't know what was more fascinating about the story, when they ended up in the enemies stronghold, the fact that their still alive, a certain bit of betrayal by a certain character, or Kevin's mental breakdown.
The action in Burning for Revenge was just thrilling. I could barely put it down for bed when I was reading it. Because with each passing book they become colder and killing has become easier for them. Not to mention that with each book they all get a little closer to going over the edge and losing themselves and their grasp upon right and wrong.
Burning for Revenge has more explosion then any of the previous books and more discord among the group.
I can honestly say that there is nothing that I would want to change about this book, it was just that good. And that there was not a single part of the book that I didn't enjoy reading about. I also cannot wait to read the last two books in the series. :)
The action in Burning for Revenge was just thrilling. I could barely put it down for bed when I was reading it. Because with each passing book they become colder and killing has become easier for them. Not to mention that with each book they all get a little closer to going over the edge and losing themselves and their grasp upon right and wrong.
Burning for Revenge has more explosion then any of the previous books and more discord among the group.
I can honestly say that there is nothing that I would want to change about this book, it was just that good. And that there was not a single part of the book that I didn't enjoy reading about. I also cannot wait to read the last two books in the series. :)
Burning for Revenge earns 5 out of 5 pineapples.
1. Burning for Revenge was borrowed from the library.
2. OMZ is short for Oh my zombies.
3. Would've written this sooner, but I wasn't feeling to peachy (I had a bit of a cold).
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