YA Review: The Book of Three [blog tour]
The Book of Three (Chronicles of Prydain, 1) by Lloyd Alexander, September 23, 2014 (originally published: August 1964). 240 pages. Published by Henry Holt & Company. Source: publisher for tour.
Taran wanted to be a hero, and looking after a pig wasn't exactly heroic, even though Hen Wen was an oracular pig. But the day that Hen Wen vanished, Taran was led into an enchanting and perilous world. With his band of followers, he confronted the Horned King and his terrible Cauldron-Born. These were the forces of evil, and only Hen Wen knew the secret of keeping the kingdom of Prydain safe from them. But who would find her first?
First Sentence:
Taran wanted to make a sword; but Coll, charged with the practical side of his education, decided on horseshoes.
*Little note: This is my 1700th post here on the blog*
First off, this picture of the 50th anniversary edition does not do the cover justice. In person, this cover is by far the most gorgeous cover I have laid eyes on in ages; I seriously stared at it for an entire day before cracking it open-inside is just as perfect as the covering.
As this was my first time experiencing the magic of Lloyd Alexander's I had no idea what to expect and whether or not it would pull me in. So, imagine my delight when the first page just completely stole me away into the world of Prydain and the lives of the characters. If it hadn't been for a pounding headache, I would have devoured this in one sitting. But in the end, I am glad to have been given the chance to savor the writing and world building within The Book of Three because this is one book that is meant to absorb one's full attention.
There was just something reminiscent about Lloyd Alexander's writing that brought to mind some of the books that made me fall in love with fantasy books. I loved how well he balanced the story and overall plot with the journey that Taran underwent. From a character development viewpoint, this book is excellent as you see Taran mature throughout the book as he realizes the misconceptions he held in regards to the life of being an adventurer. For me, I enjoyed watching him go from the excitement of proving himself to recalling how good he had it back at home; I think it was important for his character growth and the book for him to go through so many stages throughout the journey. Plus, it made the story that much better.
Beyond the excellent character development, each of the characters had such growth throughout the book, it was Lloyd Alexander's writing that really made this a special read. I loved his ability to capture the world of Prydain and various trials that each character faced. The Book of Three was just so well written and such an exciting read that I'm dumbfounded that I had never read this book.
Final Verdict: The Book of Three- A fantastic read that I'm sure will amaze readers for yet another 50 years.
The Book of Three earns
this book was received in exchange for an honest review
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