All About Middle Grade Review: Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age [Blog Tour + Giveaway]

Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age by David Zeltser, September 9, 2014. 192 pages. Published by EdgmontUSA. Source: publisher.
Lug is a caveboy who would rather paint than club other caveboys. The clan even mocks him, calling him "Little Slug." Like all the other caveboys, Lug must enter the contest to become the clan's next Big Man and attempt to catch the Biggest Beast--even though he would much rather spend his days painting in his secret art cave. When Lug is banished for failing to catch a jungle llama, he thinks he is alone in the world but finds others who believe in him: his clanmate Stony and a new friend, Echo, a girl from a rival clan who can talk to animals and just may be prehistory's first vegetarian/animal rights activist. Together they face even bigger challenges--Lug discovers the Ice Age is coming and he has to bring the warring clans together to save them not only from the freeze but also from a particularly unpleasant migrating pride of saber-toothed tigers. It's no help that the elders are cavemen who can't seem to get the concept of climate change through their thick skulls. With both funny, anachronistic humor, charming characters, and strong themes, Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age is sure to be a hit with many readers.
First Sentence:
"Owww," I moaned, gingerly feeling the plum-sized bump on my forehead.

Ah, the books that pop up in my reading pile, like this one, Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age. That's right, I have found myself reading yet another book featuring cavemen. While this is not my first book featuring cavemen (really odd to be saying that), this was definitely an interesting read.

When I first started reading Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age I was doubtful on whether or not it was going to work for me as it took me some time to get into the character's story line. But, the further the story progressed and the more I came to understand the inner-workings of the two clans and why they were against Lug (and the other two oddballs) the more I came to enjoy the story. I found it interesting to see how the author would turn these oddballs into the potential heroes of the story.
   So, while Lug, Stony and Echo were not your typical caveboys and cavegirl, I enjoyed how they used their eccentricities to their advantage to work towards saving their people. Why, because when the book first starts you are left wondering how on earth could these three one day save everyone from the oncoming ice age. Well, you'll just have to read for yourself how the did it. But it was interesting to see them overcome what others saw as weakness to create a sense of teamwork between both clans.

Other than the odd cast of characters, I enjoyed the names each of the characters were given as they suited them so perfectly. It's nice when the names of characters fit them and their role within a book so well. Though it often doesn't happen which is why I felt the need to commit upon it in my review.

As for the writing, I enjoyed David Zeltser's humorous way of telling the story of Lug. He just had this ability to tell the story in a way that pulled you into the story and lives of the characters. I liked how he took a different approach to the characters and how they were not your typical characters that one would expect in a book about cavemen. His writing just really worked for not only the story line and characters, but the overall book.

Final Verdict: Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age- Quirky and fun make this one interesting read.

Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age earns

About the author:

DAVID ZELTSER emigrated from the Soviet Union as a child, graduated from Harvard, and has worked with all kinds of wild animals, including rhinos, owls, sharks, and ad executives. He is the author of Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age, the first book in a satirical series about the world’s inaction on climate change, for ages 8-12. He also has a forthcoming picture book, Ninja Baby, with Caldecott Honor illustrator Diane Goode (Chronicle Books). David lives with his wife and daughter in Santa Cruz, California. He performs improv comedy and loves meeting readers of all ages. His second book about Lug is scheduled to publish in Fall 2015. 

You can haunt David Zeltser at-

Be sure to follow the rest of tour by visiting My Brain on Books (today) and Live to Read (tomorrow) for guest posts with David Zeltser. You can keep up with the entire tour by checking out the schedule HERE

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This book was received in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Glad to hear you loved this book too! Thanks for the shout-out for my blog.


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