26 Capes Later: Day Twenty-Three

Movie: Superman Returns
Release Date: 2006
Runtime: 154 minutes
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action
Synopsis: "It has been years since Superman (Brandon Routh) defeated the Kryptonian arch-villains and left Earth on a mysterious quest. When he finally returns, the Man of Steel finds that Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) is a single mom engaged to Perry White's (Frank Langella) nephew Richard (James Marsden), and that arch-fiend Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) is at it again, simultaneously plotting another massive real estate scam and Superman's demise. This sort-of sequel to Superman II, directed by X-Men's Bryan Singer, is predicated on the assumption that the events depicted in Christopher Reeve's third and fourth outings as the iconic superhero never happened. Singer, who has a decided affinity for the mythic underpinnings of comic book crime fighters, imbues Superman Returns with and epic sensibility; he also sprinkles humorous lines and situations throughout the film but never betrays any hint of condescension or self-parody. The result is an altogether satisfying addition to the Kryptonian canon. The Special Edition boasts more than three hours of bonus features, most of them clustered together under an umbrella title, "Requiem for Krypton: Making Superman Returns." The film's production is documented with welcome specificity, and the actors are seen plying their trade in addition to contributing the usual talking-head promo-speak. Superman's background -- not only as a character but also as a cultural icon -- is explored thoroughly, and casual viewers might be surprised at the extent to which the documentaries' subjects took the project seriously. That the cast and crew approached the film with such reverence is, quite frankly, amazing. A separate featurette, "Resurrecting Jor-El," is narrowly focused on the CGI work employed in reutilizing footage of the late Marlon Brando as Superman's father, shot for the 1978 Christopher Reeve film."

Superman Returns is the first live action Superman movie that I have ever seen, and I loved it. Brandon Routh did an excellent job playing the dorky/hero Clark Kent/Superman.

It was plainly obvious that the kid was Superman’s and not Richard’s.
I think the most annoying thing(s) about Superman would have to be that Lois Lane and everyone he works with have not put two and two together. You know how when Clark’s there Superman is gone and vice versa and how they both disappeared for a couple of years (didn’t anyone else find that a bit odd).
I love how honestly dorky Clark seemed it just made the movie so funny.
Out of all the leading ladies in superhero movie Lois Lane is the least irritating being that she isn’t as helpless as some of the others.
One of my least favorite things about Superman (character, not the movie) would be that he’s just a little bit to nice.
Funniest thing about the Superman family is that they throw everything either just into space or into the sun.
James Marsden pops up in some of the weirdest places; the X-Men movies, Enchanted, Hairspray and probably some that I’m missing.
My favorite scene would have to have been when Superman was rescuing the airplane.

Dame Orchid


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