
Having read just about every book in our house, I am looking for a new
author(s) and book(s) to read. Hopefully, with your help I can find something new to read.

Truly I am not a very picker reader, having read books all the way from Meg Cabot's "The Princess Dairies" to Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons". If it's Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror, Fiction, and Sci-Fi. I say, the more ideas the merrier.

If anyone has any (and I mean any) ideas, just let me know. I will check out all suggestions. Though I do have one rule, NO romance novels please.

Dame Orchid Forsythia


  1. Two words: Daniel X

    Okay, that was one word and a letter, but whatever. It's a really awesome book and I think you would like it.
    I haven't read this one yet, but "How to Ditch Your Fairy" by Justine something-with-an-L sounds really funny.

  2. Do you mean Justine Larbalestier?

  3. I have three suggestions. First, Larklight, by Philip Reeve, which I just read and am totally in love with. Second, The Black Tattoo, by Sam Enthoven, which I am pimping to everyone I know who likes fantasy and adventure. And third...
    Dammit. Had it, and then it was gone.

  4. E, thank you for the suggestions. I will look into "Larklight" Philip Reeve, since I have already read "The Black Tattoo" (I loved that book).


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