Review: Betrayal

Betrayal (Crystal Keeper, 2) by Laurisa White Reyes, February 9, 2015. 133 pages. Published by Skyrocket Press. Source: author.
With the help of Teak, a local farm hand, Ivanore flees from the Vatéz into the forest. While recuperating from her injuries, she becomes an apprentice to an elderly enchantress who teaches her how to control her abilities. Unaware that Ivanore is in Hestoria, Jayson commits to working off the cost of Brommel’s passage to Dokur, where he hopes he and his young son will be safe. Though Jayson vows to avenge the death of Brommel’s wife and daughter, despair and guilt threaten to extinguish what little hope he has left of begin reunited with Ivanore.
First Sentence:
The upper corridors of the ministry were dark and gloomy, and though Erland had walked them hundreds of times, he had never grown accustomed to the ever-shifting shadows cast by the few sconces studding the ancient walls.

Last week, I reviewed the first of three prequel books for Laurisa White Reyes' Celestine Chronicles, Exile, so, I thought I'd continue the thread by talking about the second installment.

Betrayal was an aptly picked title for this book as friendships and bonds were drastically broken. Is it wrong that I found the betrayals and how the changed the course of the book to be fascinating and really helped to progress the story. While the power-shifts and changing of sides made for interesting reading, it was the way the story evolved from those happenings that really made the plot interesting. I liked that as certain characters faced the truth of what they've been doing and changed sides really showed that any character, even non-main one's, could reshape the story.

I guess you could say I'm a fan of intrigue and characters of questionable intent seeing the light. Ah, how those choices led to dark times. Yet, it was these dark times that really showed the type of guy that Jayson was. Even though I liked the plot intrigue, it was the writing and way it was woven into the story was great.

Okay, so in the middle grade series, I found it hard to determine whether or not I liked Jayson and Ivanore because they were, how should I put it, not the main focus of that series so kinda vague. So the more their story unravels the more I understand and like them...even if I don't always agree with their actions *coughIvanorecough*...

Again, I've really enjoyed Laurisa White Reyes' writing and how well she has captured the emotions that the characters experienced as alliances shifted. Another thing that was enjoyable about her writing would have to be the world and various factions within it. I really like seeing seeing all the small plot points coming together.

Final Verdict: Betrayal- Intrigue abounds as alliances shift in the second installment of the Crystal Keeper.

Betrayal earns

This book was received from the author for consideration for review. All thoughts are my own.


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