Young Adult Review: Love in the Time of Global Warming

Love in the Time of Global Warming (Love in the Time of Global Warming, 1) by Francesca Lia Block, August 27, 2013. 240 pages. Published by Henry Holt and co. Source: Library
Seventeen-year-old Penelope (Pen) has lost everything—her home, her parents, and her ten-year-old brother. Like a female Odysseus in search of home, she navigates a dark world full of strange creatures, gathers companions and loses them, finds love and loses it, and faces her mortal enemy.

In her signature style, Francesca Lia Block has created a world that is beautiful in its destruction and as frightening as it is lovely. At the helm is Pen, a strong heroine who holds hope and love in her hands and refuses to be defeated.
First Sentence:
The building has gold columns and a massive doorway, a mural depicting Giants, with bodies sticking out of their mouths like limp cigarettes.

Since I have the sequel to Love in the Time of Global Warming on my TBR, I decided it was high time that I read my first Francesca Lia Block book. Add in the fact that one summer, while camping at the beach, I chose to read Homer's The Odyssey, you'll have to read it to find out the why's on this point, and I knew that I would have to read this one ASAP.

My initial thoughts on Love in the Time of Global Warming was to be blown away by the author's writing and her ability to weave such a dark, thrilling read that had the spark of hope within it. I thought she did an incredible job with the imagery of the setting. While the book was definitely dark, and no surprise at that since the world has fallen into chaos after the Earth Shaker shook the world up, was a beautifully written book that pulled me in with the turn of a phrase.
    I really enjoyed how much her writing style just pulled me into the world and situation that Pen faced. Ms. Block definitely has a way with words in the book. There are only a few authors whose writing has impressed me as much as hers.

While I did enjoy the writing I would have loved to know more about certain things, like why those that were left had strange abilities and how those that were like the monsters Odysseus faced came to be that way. So, while I enjoyed the writing and the world I needed more answers to my lingering questions regarding the character's and their abilities then what was furnished in the book. Maybe, there'll be more answers to my questions in the next book.
     Having read and enjoyed The Odyssey, I really enjoyed seeing the parallels between the two and how the author tweaked them to fit her story. It definitely was a different twist on Homer's epic poem with both similarities and differences.
    Even though I do have more questions in need of answers than before I even started the book, I am curious to see where the author will take the story next.

In short, what I ended up enjoying most about Love in the Time of Global Warming would have to be Francesca Lia Block's writing. She did such a great job with her lyrical writing. *told you it be short*

Again, the only drawback to this book is all the questions left unanswered at the end of the book. If the next book doesn't give me more answers than questions I shall be a little miffed. While lingering questions can make one curious to continue reading on, they can get old after awhile.

Content (will contain spoilers; highlight to see):
[ Alright, so, there is some language in the book; some kissing and mention of roaming hands; lots of violence as there are giants and such who eat those they come across; little bit of drug use (as in weird plants that they would drink the pollen of which made them high); and a couple other things that are escaping my allergy ridden brain as I write this. ]

Final Verdict: Love in the Time of Global Warming- Francesca Lia Block's writing is quite enthralling in this retelling of The Odyssey.

Love in the Time of Global Warming earns


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