Tilda Pinkerton's Magical Hats: Blog Tour Review

Tilda Pinkerton's Magical Hats by Angela Shelton, April 1, 2013. Published by Quiet Owl Books. 196 Pages. Source: Book Tour.
Eleven-year-old Madison Mae and her younger brother, Albert, want to help save the family farm during troubled times. When a mysterious Magical Hat Shop appears by their grandpa's red tractor mailbox, the children meet Tilda Pinkerton who presents them with one-of-a-kind hats, causing new ideas and talents to suddenly burst forth. As a flood of harm comes rushing towards the farm, Tilda Pinkerton teaches the children how they can accomplish much more than anyone ever imagined.
First Sentence:
“Magic-it doesn’t exist,” Albert said.

One of the things that drew me to Angela Shelton’s Tilda Pinkerton’s Magical Hats would have to be that Tilda always tries to bring out the best in each person she interacts with. While the first book in the series is definitely aimed at a younger crowd, I enjoyed the fact that the author does not talk down to her young audience but strives to help them by introducing them to a wider vocabulary.

While the book may be about Tilda, she actually plays a very small role in the book. Instead, you get to see how her involvement sets Madison Mae and her Brother, Albert, on the road to helping their grandparents save their farm. I loved that Tilda was more of a satellite character and that she just nudged them towards the path that would assist them in their goal.

Other than Tilda, Madison Mae, and Albert, what I liked most about Tilda Pinkerton’s Magical Hats would have to be that it is one positive book. I really enjoyed that the basis of the story was one were the characters learned to use their skills and abilities to help those they cared about. It was nice to read such a positive book, especially since most books have more doom and gloom then one needs in this day and age.

Even though I enjoyed reading Angel Shelton’s latest book about Tilda Pinkerton, I can honestly say that this is one that I would only recommend to the appropriate age group (elementary aged children) because it is definitely on the young side for older readers. Unless, of course they just want to read an entertaining book then by all means go forth and read it. What I’m trying to say is that while good, it was definitely meant for those younger than myself.

Final Verdict: Tilda Pinkerton’s Magical Hats- a delightful, engaging read for elementary children.

Tilda Pinkerton’s Magical Hats earns 4 out of 5 pineapples.


  1. Thanks for taking part in the tour. I'm so glad you enjoyed Tilda Pinkerton's Magical Hats!

  2. Oh yes, these book are for Kindergarden to 3rd graders! Hehe. The bigger Tilda books are more up your alley - and are my personal favorites. You totally got it though - that Tilda is not the main focus of the beginning reader books, she just leads YOU to the hat you need. :) Thanks for sharing!


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