Cover Reveal: Blood Bound by Keshia Swaim

So excited to be able to share another Spencer Hill Press cover reveals with all of y'all. This time things are a little different, why, because there are two covers and y'all get to vote on which one you like best. Awesome right!

Blood Bound by Keshia Swaim, September 10, 2013. Published by Spencer Hill Press.
Starting college a year early is hard. Starting fae college and learning to protect the world from the Unseelie is harder.
   Brielle Reed has always been an over-achiever, but this time she may have bitten off more than she can chew. Between her crash course in fae politics, struggles to control her new mind-reading ability, training sessions with the demanding Dr. Schwartz, and discoveries about the father who is still a mystery to her, Brielle finds herself longing for a chance at a normal life.
   But she may not get that chance. Or chance at a life at all, for that matter.

Now that y'all have seen both covers, its time to vote in the poll and tell us which one you like best. Let me know in the comments why you picked the one you did. 

About the author:
Keshia Swaim grew up in a tiny Oklahoma town and, perhaps out of boredom, became an obsessive reader at an early age. After reading all the books the library had to offer, she began making up her own stories.
Like all good Oklahomans, Keshia attended the University of Oklahoma. She studied History, with a minor in Modern Literature, but her real goal was finding a husband. Two weeks after graduation she received her Mrs. degree as well.
She and Prince Charming still live in Oklahoma, where they’ve started a family. Between dirty diapers, Keshia tries to avoid reality as much as possible, stating that her own little world is a much more interesting place to be. Her ramblings can be found at
