A Vintage Reads Review: Spell Bound

Spell Bound (Hex Hall, 3) by Rachel Hawkins, March 13, 2012. 337 pages. Published by Disney-Hyperion. Source: bought.
Just as Sophie Mercer has come to accept her extraordinary magical powers as a demon, the Prodigium Council strips them away. Now Sophie is defenseless, alone, and at the mercy of her sworn enemies—the Brannicks, a family of warrior women who hunt down the Prodigium. Or at least that’s what Sophie thinks, until she makes a surprising discovery. The Brannicks know an epic war is coming, and they believe Sophie is the only one powerful enough to stop the world from ending. But without her magic, Sophie isn’t as confident.

Sophie’s bound for one hell of a ride—can she get her powers back before it’s too late?
First Sentence:
There are times when magic really sucks.

Remember how five years ago I reviewed Hex Hall? Well, I have finally read the final book and decided to go ahead and review it. I've read book two...I just never got around to reviewing it... (if you want me to, just tell me too).

I guess the first question to be answered is: Did the ending meet my expectations? Well, let's see.

While I have pretty much cut out all paranormal/supernatural books from my reading (because of reasons), I have been wanting to see how things played out for Sophie and her friends. Especially with the way Demonglass ended (yes, the ending was such a cliffhanger that I remembered it even without a refresher), I felt more than ready to dive in.

Let's talk about Sophie. There are many reasons that I enjoyed reading about Sophie, yet, the top reason would have to be her strength. Sure she was crazy powerful and a force to be reckoned with, but it was how he did what needed to be done even though she was scared out of her mind. The fact that she faced down her fear, fear that could have froze her in her tracks, makes her a awesome, strong female character in my book. Also, the fact that she could be sarcastic even at the worse of times, well, that was pretty great too.

Throughout the entire book I had this inkling that someone was not going to make it out of the danger. while I won't tell you who met their end (who knows, maybe you're behind on finishing the series as well), I will tell you this, it actually, as sad as it was, went really well with the ending. It worked!

Okay, so, if you've read the first two books then you know there's somewhat of a triangle. While I am in no way a fan of triangular love, Because it never really felt like a love triangle and, in my opinion, it really could have only gone one way...you know. It just never really bothered me like it does in most other books.

If there is one author who can make me want to read supernatural-ish books, than that would have to be Rachel Hawkins. I just love her writing!! While I've only, now, read three books by her, I have found myself enjoying the wit and humor she packs into her characters. It also doesn't hurt that she did a wonderful job of connecting the various threads between the three volumes into one great solid plot. from start to finish, the Hex Hall series is a fun and adventurous read. I loved Sophie and her friends and seeing the big picture take shape throughout the series. 

Final Verdict: Spell Bound- Rachel Hawkins brings the Hex Hall series to an epic end!! While I'm sad to say goodbye to Sophie and the world, I could not have asked for a better ending then the one she gave us!!

Spell Bound earns
This book was purchased, by me, for my reading pleasure. All thoughts are my own.


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