Dogs on Duty: Soldiers' Best Friends on the Battlefield and Beyond

Dogs on Duty: Soldiers' Best Friends on the Battlefield and Beyond by Dorothy Hinshaw Patent, September 4, 2012. 48 pages. Published by Walker Childrens. Source: Publisher (unsolicited).
When the news of the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound broke, the SEAL team member that stole the show was a highly trained canine companion. Throughout history, dogs have been key contributors to military units. Dorothy Hinshaw Patent follows man's best friend onto the battlefield, showing readers why dogs are uniquely qualified for the job at hand, how they are trained, how they contribute to missions, and what happens when they retire. With full-color photographs throughout and sidebars featuring heroic canines throughout history, Dogs on Duty provides a fascinating look at these exceptional soldiers and companions.
First Sentence:
When people learned that a dog had been a key team member of Navy Seal Team Six in the successfully raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in May 2011, everyone wanted to know more about the dog.
This is going to be a really short review. 


Being a life long military brat, I have so much respect for all those who are out there serving are country and protecting the freedom that we love (and sometimes take for granted). So when Dogs on Duty found its way to me, I could not resist reading this touching yet sad story of the canines that have faithfully served in the armed forces.

What really makes this such a great read would have to be hearing all the amazing things that these dogs have done, as well, as the bond that is formed between them and the people that they work with. It is just amazing  when you think about how much training these furry little guys go through. But it is also heartbreaking when you read about those dogs who are wounded, killed, or lose their companion. Just thinking of the sad aspects to this book are making me teary eyed...again.

So, while Dogs on Duty has it sad moments, this is one that I really think everyone should read because it is just so good and will make you feel all the feels.

What really brings the story home in this book is the photographs that are included in it. Why, because they are wearing just as much gear as their human counterparts. While I really enjoyed the photographs of the dogs and seeing the gear that they wear, plus, it was totally adorable to look at the one getting ready to jump of the plane. But what really made the seeing the pictures, was seeing the ones of the dogs and their companions because you could see that bond between them.

Final Verdict: A nice salute to the dogs that serve along side are military men and women. 

Dogs on Duty: Soldiers' Best Friends on the Battlefield and Beyond earns 5 out of 5 pineapples.


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